Ancient Mesopotamia is the area corresponding to modern-day Iraq and to a lesser extent northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and smaller parts of southwestern Iran. It is also known as the 'land of rivers" because it is located in the area between the two rivers the Tigris and the Euphrates, which were already mentioned as early as in the book "Genesis" from the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), that is known as "Bereesjiet" in the Torah. Later, the Tanakh was adapted by Christianity in the Old Testament and therefore its content is, with the exception of a few passages from the Book of Daniel which had been written in Aramaic, hardly different from the original Old-Hebrew text. The books are ordered differently however.

Map of the ancient near east.
Certain ancient Mesopotamian myths, including the myths of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians, have remarkable similarities with the stories of the Tanakh and the Old Testament. It is known that these ancient Mesopotamian stories are much older and sometimes even more detailled. For example: The story about the person Utnapistim from the Gilgamesh epic is very similar to the flood story that is mentioned in the book of Genesis in the Bible and the Tanakh. This would imply that, these "Bible stories", probably would have their roots in those earlier myths - instead of a diversion, what often had been thought.
The Bible is essentially a compilation of ancient texts, selected by the early church fathers. Texts that people weren't supposed to read, because they were not in accordance to the general Christian orthodox belief, were labeled as uncanonical and were purposely left out in the Bible, and this includes all works that were seen as apocryphal and Gnostic, like the "Book of Enoch", even though the canonical text Genesis 5:24 makes a very shortly reference to this man called Enoch:
The full version of the book of Enoch was once thought to be lost, but fortunately this book was later discovered again within the Ethiopian version of the Bible, where this book never had been excluded.
Possibly, one might think that it could affect the stability and integrity of the Christian community as these books, which are still criticized within the orthodox Christian community, were to be officially added to the Bible.
Already since in the days of early Christianity there was the division between traditional Christianity and Gnosticism. Just because the oldest known scriptures (the Nag Hammadi codices) are typically Gnostisic in nature, it is clear that early Christianity was originally much closer to the Gnostic teachings compared to the traditional Christian teachings that at a certian time became the national religion of Rome and which from there did spread to other countries. The consequence was that the Roman Catholic Church became a very powerful organization in a number of European countries and its inhabitants - often followers of Pagan nature religions - were forced to convert themselves to the new religion of Christianity, otherwise one was sentenced to death.
Within the traditional Christian conceptions of God, there is an unbridgeable distance between man and God, what is quite different in Gnosticism. The fundamental difference between the traditional Christian view and Gnosticism is that not only Jesus Christ is God's son, but each being, and that everything and everyone is part of a total unity that is known in the gnosticism as the "All", the "Source" or also "the Father". The Father and the Son are symbolic representations where the Father represents the total being while the Son is what is derived from the Father. In Gnostic texts, for example, it is described:
According to the traditional Christian view, Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, while Jesus himself declared several times in the ancient "gnostic" arrrrrrtexts that people are also sons (and daughters) of the Most High (God). The reader who understands will notice these kind of messages also in the canonical texts in the Bible. The problem was however that most people did not properly understood or could believe this. When the people once wanted to stone Jesus he asked them why they wanted to kill him. Then they answered: "Because you, a mere man, claim to be God" (John 10:33). Jesus then answered them by quoting Psalm 82:6 which says:
Also according to the traditional Christian community, is the Bible the unchanging "Word of God" and there would never had been any alterations in the Bible. There is however enough evidence that - during the past centuries - many portions of the texts had been ommitted or changed. By comparing the texts from the modern day Bible to the older versions from the Nag Hammadi writings it is actually clear that the original texts differ from the later canon at many thousands of points. (See for many examples the book (dutch): "Valsheid in geschrifte: de gespleten pen van bijbelschrijvers" (2003) by Jacob Slavenburg.)
In fact, the part of the Bible we know today as the New Testament is actually a translation based on the Greek versions of these writings, as the original Hebrew and Aramaic writings were believed to be lost until the Nag Hammadi writings were discovered. We now know that the name "Jesus" is actually a Greek "conversion" for the Aramaic/Hebrew name: "Yeshua", as both names are verbal derivatives that have the same meaning: "to rescue" or "to deliver". This however does not have to mean that "Yeshua" was really his usual name by which he was called.
It is possible that the original Tanakh had not yet been translated in its whole full glory, because a research group from Canada announced in the year 2011 that they found a whole new way to interpret the ancient Hebrew texts from the Old Testament. According to their findings, they discovered that each letter is not a letter at all, but a full word, and what was believed to be a word, is actually a sentence-like description, which supplies the definition of the word. This whole new approach would reveal much more details compared to the usual interpretation. (See this CNN iReport from the 23th of May 2011, and their website for more information.) The Chronicle Project stated on their website that are also in the proces of translating the original Aramaic texts that we know today as texts that are part of the New Testament.
Since the discovery of the Nag Hammadi writings it is clear that the church as institution is very a conservative one that chooses to deny this kind of developments over any progress that could possibly cause some change of their own statements and visions. Possibly they think such changes would destabilize the institution but it would appear that actually the opposite is true; Many people lost faith in the Christian Church because it is not receptive for progression, adaptation and renovation, and as a result of this it does not blend that well in these modern times of free thinking and freedom of belief.
The Sumerians had a flourishing culture and wrote all kinds of things like we would do today on clay tablets in cuneiform script, including: rules, laws, poetry, and stories (myths). These are currently the earliest recognized forms of writing. It is characterized by a composition of wedge-shaped formations and was used by the Sumerians, Akkadians (Assyrians/Babylonians) and Persians. In the 1760s, Karsten Biebuhr brought back bricks with cuniform from a dig in Egypt, Arabia, and Syria. In 1802, Georg Friedrich Grotefend, a German school teacher, was the first to decipher cuneiform.
The Old Testament originated from the Tanakh of Judaism and the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri and Deuteronomium, are known as the Torah. Certain Sumerian and Babylonian myths are quite similar to those ancient scriptures including the Tanakh and thus also the Old Testament of Christianity. However though, the Sumerian myths are known to be much older. This implifies that these stories from the book of Genesis probably originated from earlier Sumerian and Babylonian myths. That isn't strange as - according to the Hebrew Bible - all Israelites were descended from Abraham, who was born in the Sumerian city of Ur, and later migrated with his family to Canaan (which is now roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and the western parts of Jordan and Syria.) This could mean that Abraham could have heard of these myths, possibly he was even grown up with it, which he later could have written down in the Torah; the first five books of the Tanakh.
From: "Myths of Enki, the Crafty God", by Samuel Noah Kramer (world renowned Assyriologist and one of the foremost authorities on the ancient Sumerian language and literature) and John R. Maier:
For example, the story of Noah's ark from the Book of Genesis, is quite similar to the Akkadian Epic of Atrahasis, and part of the story about Utnapistim in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh (which is essentially the same story from the Epic of Atrahasis with some minor differences).
Even the texts side by side are similar:
There also was another flood myth called: the tale of Ziusudra, who was the ruler of Shuruppak, which was written in Sumerian. The single fragmentary tablet containing the story was dated to the 17th century BC (Old Babylonian Empire), which makes it older than the Epic of Gilgamesh which was dated to c. 1,100 BC.
A remarkable difference between the modern Mespotamian myths and the Bible, is that in the Mesopotamian myths there is the mention of the word "gods" in place of the "LORD". This is because the word "Elohim", from the original ancient Hebrew text, had not been translated accurately enough.
In the modern Bible the ancient Hebrew word "Elohim" had been translated as the "LORD", and in more recent versions and revisions, it was even translated as "God". According to the original Jewish teachings, the word "Elohim" is plural and literally translates to "Godly beings".

"The Creation of Man" by Michaelangelo (at the Sistine Chapel).
In his work: "Yad ha-Chazakah: Yesodei ha-Torah", the medieval philospher Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) counts ten ranks of angels in the Jewish angelic hierarchy. Here the "Elohim" - translated as: "Godly beings" - are ranked at nr.7, below the "Malakhim" (messengers, angels) and above "Bene Elohim": "Sons of Godly beings" (the "sons of God" who were mentioned in the Old Testament from the Bible). The hierarchy is described as following:
According to a lecture of Austrian philosopher, writer, architect, social reformer and esotericist Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (1861-1925), there would exist higher beings without a physical body who are connected with the evolution of mankind. From his lecture: "Egyptian Myths and Mysteries, Lecture 5":
The earlier mentioned "Chronicle Project" re-translated "Elohim" as the "Originators". So the notion of "Elohim" on itself would refer to a hierarchy of spiritual beings involved with creation.
Angels could be described as discarnated beings that have an interest in the welfare of someone else in the physical world, and can be called upon for guidance and healing. They have physical bodies that are not of flesh and blood but are rather of a metaphysical or "spiritual" nature. They are usually not visible for human beings, but with much effort they would be able to show themselves as a shimmering, translucent form. Angels are mentioned in the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the Tanakh and the Qu'ran, often as messengers ("Malachi") of God. hey are often described by scribes as non-physical beings who can assume a humanlike body that could appear like a shining and flickering fire, butsometimes they are also described appearing as an ordinary physical human being.
Patricia Cori, channel of the Sirian High Council, calls them the "Elders"; master geneticists from neighboring star systems and extra-dimensional realities. German psychic intuitive Ute Kretzschmar, who assumedly channeled two different groups of ascended masters who call themselves "Confucius" and "Kuthumi" (derived from two oriental teachers from the past), described the "Elohim" in her book:"Die Seele in den Meisterjahren" (2003), as an exalted, re-fused complete being existing of souls that completed their cycles of incarnation in the "dual universe" (the part of the universe where "duality" exists). It was the further development of the ascended masters and Arch-angels. They are called "angels" because in that state they are fused with the dimension of angels. This re-fused total being bears the experiences of many in "himself". "Eloah" does not know the experience of being divided into multiple beings and is the only non-divided total being that can enter the dual universe.
Eloah (or Eloha) is the singular form of the plural word "Elohim", and would translate to "God", or "Godly being". It had been used in the Tanakh and the Bible, especially in the more poetic chapters; At six places it is used to describe "pagan" gods (like in Chronicles 32:15 and Daniel 11:37-8), though in the most cases it is used to refer to the "God of Israel", known in the Tanakh as Yaweh (YHWH) and Jehova (JHVH) in the English and Greek Bible. Eloah also doesn't specifically refers to a male being because this word is both male and female in the language of Old Hebrew.
According to numerous esoteric sources and channeled messages from psychic intuitives; in the beginning there only was the Oneness that was later given many names including: God, Allah, the Divine, the Source, the Creator, the Great Spirit, Nature, the Christos, the Nameless One. (George Lucas called it: the "Force" in his movie Star Wars (1977), but unfortunately it seems that to this day it is rarely understood as a concept for a transcendent God that is within everything.) Because of the desire of companionship and to create, explore and experience the Self, the Oneness took the form of a large multitude of "souls".
Psychic intuitives Edgar Cayce and Dr. Douglas James Cottrell spoke during their own readings several times about the so-called "Law of One"; a law, religion or possibly a science, that formed the essential, very early basis for a number of the current world religions. According to Jon Peniel's book,the connectedness of all had been once known as a scientific fact during the technological advanced times of the currently "lost" civilization of Atlantis. Evidence for this can be found in certain ancient texts, especially the ancient occult (which means: "hidden") knowledge and the ancient traditional knowlegde from the far east (such as the chakra system and acupuncture) which is not or little understood by today's science because they have not yet reached that level of understanding. The mythical Greek sage Hermes Trismegistus - prophet and spiritual leader of hermetism - saw the reality as one organic, living organism wherin all was related to each other, and in the Gospel of Thomas from the Nag Hammadi codex the notion had been made that we are all "children of the light" - which is remarkable because now in present time we can prove (again?) that light is in fact a form of energy, vibration and frequency.
There is also a series of books called: "The Law of One - The Ra Material" (1984) (channeled by Carla L. Rueckert, Don Elkins and Jim McCarty) but I do not recommend reading it as there are crucial inconsistencies with Edgar Cayce's information - who actually first made mention of the Law of One - and other sources which are more consistent with each other.
Far at the end of the first book it even made an effort to downplay Jesus as a nameless entity (who from the Edgar Cayce material was named Amilius and would even accompanied Ra during his lifetime as Hermes (possibly Thoth)) who according to this book in his childhood he would have killed a playmate with his powers during a spurt of anger. Who actually honestly believes this? Only because his absolute innocence and his connection with the divine he could ultimately become the Christ, only he was considered being worthly enough, so to me this is the clearest example of the twisting of truths in an attempt to elevate oneself above those who are the true servants of God. The actual reason for this would be to confuse and therefore derail one from the righteous spiritual path. This also reminds me about the Raelism UFO-religion which also twist the Biblical story of Jesus, and the Urantia Book that could possibly be World War II Nazi propaganda for eugenics and racial purification.
My advice for information that cannot be proven in a rational way is to always check whether or not this information reasonates with your inner feelings; your intuition. To fathom the truth one shouldn't be just merely critical but above all be honest and unbiased to the self and towards others (because you reap what you sow).
The Mesopotamian Dieties
By comparing the texts of the book of Genesis, like the stories of the sons of God, the Deluge and the confusion of tongues (the Tower of Babel story), with the Mesopotamian myths, one should note these stories are not only very similar but also that there is the mention of multiple gods instead of one. The ancient Mesopotamian people knew, like the old Greeks, a whole pantheon of various dieties where each of one had his/her own place within the hierarchy. Like the Greek gods, the Mesopotamian dieties were not seen as the creators of the world but as the almighty rulers of a world which was already in existence.
Today many researchers believe that the mythical gods were invented by man himself. This is because scientific conclusions are often based on tangible evidence, but how can one find evidence for beings that were not physical by definition? Many writings and other testimonials of various ancient cultures share a similar basis where a certain chief god commands a pantheon of "lower" gods (or angels): a certain small seperate group group of individuals here on earth who - to the more simple human beings - seemed to have supernatural powers and actively influenced mankind, animals and the rest of nature.
Apparently, who they really were had never been fully explained and it is probable that ancient man also would not had been able to fully comprehend this. (Enoch's writings about his visitations to the various "heavens" under the guidance of angels actually raises more questions than answers because of his limited frame of reference.) From his written dialogues, it is evident that the Old Greek philosopher Plato considered the stories about the Greek gods seriously because part of his philosophy was about them.
The Mesopotamian gods existed of gods of the earth which were known as the "Anunnaki in Sumerian and the "Anunna" in Akkadian cultures, who were also called the "fifty great gods", and the gods of the sky or the heavens: the "Igigi", who were the so-called: "lesser gods". At times the names of Anunnaki and Igigi were used synonymously, what could mean that the Igigi were actually part of the Anunnaki. In the Babylonian myth of creation; the "Enuma Elish", the god Marduk (who triumped over his father Enlil) divided the Anunnaki and assigned them to their proper stations; three hundred in heaven and three hundred on the earth. This also gives an impression of the number of "gods" or that would have been present on and nearby earth.
Where the God with the highest authority was known as the "LORD" (God in modern translations of the Bible) in the Biblical scriptures and the book of Enoch, we find instead either the name "Enlil" (which could be translated to: "Lord of the Storm") or the name of another diety called "Enki" (translates to "Lord of the Earth" and known as "Ea" by the Akkadians"). Enlil was the local chief god who shares similarities with Yahweh: the Biblical God of Abraham and Moses, also called the "God of Israel". Enlil was a stern but righteous god but when he was pushed to his limits he was merciless for anyone who opposed him. So when he saw the creation of modern man as a total failure he did send out the great flood. His half brother Enki was an alchemist, advisor and a god of fertility and wisdom. He would have been involved with the creation of modern man and was the one who saved the pius man known as: Atrahasis (Akkadian), Utnapishtim (Sumerian) and Noah (by the later Babylonian and Hebrews), and his family from the flood. Because Yahweh insisted that he did not want any other (false) gods besides him, the Jewish doctrine (which founded the basis for Christianity and the Islam) became a doctrine that - from that moment - worshipped only one God instead of multiple gods in earlier times.
Enki and Enlil actually share similarities with the Greek gods Poseidon and Zeus; They also were brothers with leading roles, whereof Enlil was a chief god like Zeus, and Enki had the watery abyss (the "abzu") as his domain, like Poseidon was the god of the sea. The chief god Odin from Norse mythology also share common characteristics with the Greek god Zeus, as they both were chief gods and referred to as some kind of father figure. Both Zeus and Yaweh: the Biblical God, would have dwelled in high mountains; Zeus would have dwelled on mount Olympus (the highest mountain in Greece) and it was mt. Sinai (situated in the Sinai mountains in Egypt) where Moses spoke with God. Yahweh, Zeus, Enlil, and also Odin were also likewise depicted as a powerful manly figure with a long (gray or white) beard. And like in the Biblical story of the Deluge the flood was described as a punishment from God, so is the flood of Atlantis in Plato's dialogue "Critias" similairly described as a punishment from Zeus; the god of the gods. (See the last lines of Plato's "Critias".) Could it be that one speaks about one and the same god or God?
Above Enlil and Enki stood the great Anu, the god of the heaven (firmament) and according to ancient Sumerian beliefs the supreme head of the gods. His kingdom was in the expansion of the heavens and is like the Greek god Ouranos (latinized: Uranus) - whose name is similar to the name Anu - known as a personification of the heavens/sky. Possibly, Anu never descended to the earthly material world and maybe he was the so-called oversoul of these gods. According to the stories all other gods of the Anunnaki would be his descendants. His leadership was followed up by the god Enlil, what eventually lead to a conflict with his half brother Enki about who would be the righteous leader. Also the Sumerian goddess Inanna, granddaughter of Enlil and great-granddaugher of Anu, and known by the Akkadians as "Ishtar", has similarities with the Greek goddess Aphrodite, known by the Romans as Venus.

Print of a cylinder seal depicting several gods.
The name "Anunnaki" is generally believed to mean something to the effect of "Those of Royal Blood" (Leick, Gwendolyn: "A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology"), but linguists are actually divided about its true meaning. The name is generally believed to be composed of the following words:
Quite literary Anunnaki could both translate to: "Anu to earth' or "heaven to earth". In his book "The Twelfth Planet" (1976), author and expert in ancient languages Zecharia Sitchin translated this as: "(those who) from heaven to earth came".
According to Patricia Cori; channel of the "Sirian High Council", Anu would be the name given to Sirius C. She mentions the Anunnaki (which she writes as "Annunaki") specifically as the: "warriors of Anu"; the dark forces from the planet Nebiru (Nibiru); a neighbouring planet that was close to Sirius C, and their sole purpose for visiting planet Earth on a regular basis would have been to claim this paradise planet for themselves and to rob her of her precious minerals. (From her book: "Atlantis Rising" (2001).) Although the existence of Sirius C is at least expected by science, it would be so far away that it would not be possible to photograph using today's technology.
The word Anunnaki is also somewhat similar to the name of the group of giants who are called "Anakim" in old Hebrew or Enkaites in the Biblical book Numbers, 13:32-33, which translates to "long-necked ones". The word "Anakim" is probably not a variantion of the word "Anunnaki" but would be one of the many names given to the giants or more a certain group of giants.
The word Anunnaki is similar to the word: "annunagi" which is usually translated as: "the shining ones". This is remarkable because in the old texts, angels are sometimes described as very bright, glorious and shining beings, shimmering like fire. (Like in chapter 19:1 from the Second Book of Enoch, also known as the Book of the Secrets of Enoch.) Early scientific sources considered the names Anunnaki and annunagi as variations of each other and this is possibly true. It had also been considered that the word for the "Nagas"; the word for the serpent gods/people who are mentioned in the ancient Vedic scriptures from India, could have been derived from the Sumerian word: "anunnagi". The Nagas called themselved "Devas", a term for all beings that which are on a higher plane of existence, compared to earthly humans. The Avestan word "Daeva" means: "being of shining light".
Extraterrestrial Visitors
Certain myths seem to be interpretations of what people, in ancient times, believed what had happened, according to their own understanding and frame of reference. Many ancient texts from the whole world described beings who came from the heavens. In the Mesopotamiam and Greek mythology they were called gods, in the Tanakh, Bible and Qu'ran they were called angels, and from ancient Persia (the nowadays Iran) and ancient India there are similar stories of supernatural beings who waged war with each other - called the Asuras/Ahuras and the Devas/Daevas - who would exist on a higher plane of reality. And many well known ancient tribal legends from Central and South America are about star beings who came from the heavens to assist humanity.
In modern times, there exists the belief that "heaven" is the place were one goes after death, but the word "heaven" originally referred specifically to the sky and all that is above, including space and the "heavenly bodies", which includes the planets and the stars. Thus, the Sumerian and Akkadian words for "heaven" could be replaced with "above", and in this sense this would mean that these beings came from the skies, or beyond: from outer space.
The theory that the "gods" from ancient mythology were possibly beings of extraterrestrial origin was popularized with the books of Italian journalist and writer Peter Kolosimo (most notably: "Non e terrestre" (1968) ; which translates to "Not of this World"), and the later Swiss author Erich von Däniken with his book: "Chariots of the Gods? (1968)". This point of view was later dubbed as the so-called "Ancient Astronaut" Theory".
Because of his books he received a lot of controversy from the scientic world. He is often brought into discredit because of certain incorrect translations and incorrect astronomical and scientific information. But let us consider that when Sitchin wrote his first book about this topic, there was not as much knowlegde of Sumerian language as we have today, by a long shot, and thus in many cases he had to rely on his own speculation.
Although he gave a plausible expaination for the word: "Anunnaki", namely: "those that came from heaven to earth", because it would be reasonably in accordance with the translations of variations of this word in nearby countries, he without any doubt translated the word "Nephilim" incorrecty as "people of the fiery rockets". Sitchin was namely convinced that the Anunnaki used rockets in the ancient past and showed in his book and during his presentations images of things (possibly menhirs) that were according to him were ancient rockets. Often this kind of evidence was not very convincing and decisive.
His later book "The Lost Book of Enki" was also criticized because Sitchin would have formed many different myths and legends into one fitting story, Many scolars are convinced these stories are not related to each other, but one cannot deny that it is remarkable that there are definitely similarities between old myths. Many civilizations for example speak of a great flood. Besides all criticism, substantionally Sitchin's translation actually doesn't differ much from other translations such as from the famed Assyriologist Samuel Noach Kramer (1897-1990), but with the distinct difference however that these gods weren't just being regarded as "divine" beings, but as beings which actually came from another planet. It is anyway clear that these gods,
immortal or not, were physical beings who also behaved and acted much like human beings.
According to his translation these tablets are about the long story of technologically advanced humanoid beings from another planet outside our solar system they referred to as "Nibiru", who came to earth some hundreds of thousands of years ago (about 444,000 BC) with the purpose to mine gold to save the atmosphere of their dying home planet. In ancient texts they were referred to as the "Anunnaki" (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations).
The word: "Nibiru/Nebiru" is actually Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. It may somehow be related to the similar word: "Habiru", which is the word for "Hebrew" in the language of Old Hebrew. For this reason, the name Hebrew *might* signify the descendants or followers of the Nibiruans. Nibiru was known as the celestial body or region which was sometimes associated with the god Marduk. While certain researchers believe that "Marduk" was the ancient name for the planet Jupiter, Sitchin believed that this planet - that was known as "Marduk" in Babylonian and Nibiru in Sumerian times - was actually a planet outside our solar system.

Print of cylinder seal VA 243. According to Zecharia Sitchin the dots above-left appear to be the planets of our solar system with the inclusion of the moon, the sun (in the centre) and one extra planet: Nibiru.
The mining operation on earth was in charge of two half-brothers with the titles of Enlil "Lord of Heaven" (which Sitchin translates to: "Lord of the Command"; the mission commander, usually translated as "Lord of the Wind") and Enki, "Lord of the Earth". Because the work was too heavy for the small workforce, they genetically altered the most intelligent and capable species available at that time on earth, which were ape-like human beings. Over the last 500 years, thousands of ancient gold mines where found in Africa, including a 200,000 years old metropolis dubbed as "Adam's Calendar", which had been discovered in the year 2009. It is possibly relevant to this story, because mining for gold was very hard work and needed organisation.
Additional evidence for this can be found in the re-translation of Genesis by the before mentioned "Chronicle Project"; Here speaking about the Garden of Eden ("Eadan", which means: "to make beautiful") which was located at the outcome of once four rivers:
Why would gold be of any importance at the time man had just been created? This text seems to tell that there was a search for gold and other precious minerals on Earth that was collected and stored at certain locations and that the location of the four rivers had become the central place of the operation.
According to Sitchin's translation and interpretation, they practically tried to create a slave species to aid in their work. The goal was to create a type of worker that was capable enough, but not too intelligent to question and resist their work. (Perhaps results of conducted experimentations may still exist today as "human-like" primates such as the Gorilla.)
According to Patricia Cori, channel of the Sirian High Council, the re-engineering of man by the Anunnaki actually degraded man to a lower sense of consciousness in order to effectively manipulate them. (According to her: If all people today only had a shimmer of a higher state of cosmic consciousness and thus the inner knowlegde about the true nature of the one all-embracing God there would be no more wars about religion.)
Later however, Enki - against the will of Enlil - decided to make this species more intelligent (but probably still not as conscious and intelligent as the Anunnaki themselves), and so a species closer to modern man came into existence. (First resulting in the "AdaMites" and later the "AdaPites"; the "Civilized Humans".) This intervention could be the reason why todays archaeologists are still not able to find the supposed "missing link" between ape-man: Homo Erectus, and modern man: Homo sapiens.
If this "myth" is true, and both its translation and interpretation would be correct (which is argueable), it would mean that modern man is actually a hybrid being, genetically altered by these technologically advanced extraterrestrial beings who mixed some of their own genes with the genes of the earth's ape-man. In that view, the ape-man but also the extraterrestrial beings (the so-called gods/angels or subcreators) to some degree, could both be our genetic ancestors. Further according to the story: When after a long time things got out of hand with the human race when the daughters of man begot offspring from the so-called "fallen angels" (the Anunnaki, or more specifically: the group that was called the Igigi).Because of the interference of these "fallen angels", a lot of sin and suffering took place, and Enlil became convinced that the tempering with "man" from earth was a terrible sin against the Cosmos and that it had to be undone, which led to the great flood or the Deluge. His brother Enki however secretly saved one pius man and his family, against the will of Enlil, though probably more people would have survived this great disaster.
In November 2013, revolutionary results from genome analysis were presented at a meeting on ancient DNA at the Royal Society in London that suggested that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups in Europe and Asia more than 30,000 years ago, including a yet-unknown human ancestor from Asia that is neither modern human, Neanderthal or Homo Denisova. (Source: This shows that, for modern science, there are still many unanswered questions about the origins of mankind.
Numerous psychic intuitives stated that the "humanoid" life form does not only exists on planet Earth and that it had its earlier origins from other places in the universe. To mention the information of but a few of these psychics:
Forbidden Fruits
As told in the Bible, the "Garden of Eden" was located at the outcome of four rivers. The Euphrates and the Tigris still exist to this day but the other two rivers: the Pison and the Gihon, never had been found until in recent years. With the help of satellite technology, a dried up fossil river had been found whose location corresponds to the lost river; the Pison. Dr. Juris Zarins believes that the Gihon is the river which is now known as the Karun River, which was a perennial river until it got dammed. After spending seven years working out his own hypothesis, he concludes that the Garden of Eden lies presently under the waters of the Persian Gulf. (More about this:
In the Akkadian myths we find the story of "Adapa and the Food of Life", from the El-Amarna tablets (see:, which had been dated at the fifteenth century BC. According to the story, Adapa was the son of the god Ea - known as Enki by the Sumerians - and he was both half god and half man, and therefore he had superiour intelligence compared to ordinary man but did not have eternal life, as the gods did. His name could have to do with the wordt "to adapt", perhaps because he could adapt to the gods' level of civilization. He had the right to live in the garden of the gods, called the Garden of Eridu (possibly the Biblical: "Eden"). Eridu was regarded as the world's first city in Mesopotamian tradition. Because of the similarities between the story of the Garden of Eden and the myth about the garden of Eridu, the Biblical Adam could be the same person as the Akkadian "Adapa". According to the Biblical story, the serpent actually seduced Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit, but in the Akkadian version there is however no mention of a spouse for Adapa, and there was never found a Sumerian counterpart of the Adapa legend.
The god Enki (Ea) was also known by the Sumerians as the "ushumgal", which translates to: "great serpent" or "dragon", and - in both the Sumerian and Akkadian myths - he planted a great fruit tree in his garden at Eridu which was called the "Mes"-tree and another wonderous tree called the Gishin (Sumerian) or Kiskanu (Akkadian). This is quite similar to the story of Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis in the Bible where there is a tree of "Knowlegde of Good and Evil" and a tree "of eternal life" and a certain "serpent" who dwelled there.
In the Babylonian "epic of Gilgamesh", king Gilgamesh sought the secret of eternal life and ultimately found this in a plant which he unfortunately lost on his return. It is remarkable that both the Kishkanu and the plant of eternal life are described as growing in the water. Possibly this plant could have had a healing and revitalising effect by which means one could life a longer and healthier life. Probably to limit the population, the "gods" may have kept these plants for themselves within a restricted area like the garden of Eden, which according to the Bible was guarded by an angel with a flaming sword.
In ancient cultures like ancient Egypt and Meso-America, the serpent is actually the ancient symbol for wisdom and transformation, and could possibly be the symbol of the race of the extraterrestrial visitors who were called the "sons of God" in the Bible and other texts, who shared their wisdom and knowlegde with the earthlings, usually in return for precious ores and gifts that were crafted from it (see Patricia Cori's book: "Atlantis Rising").
From Elisabeth Haich's book: "Initiation" (more about this book in the next chapter):
The Bible tells how the "Lord" was very upset when he found out that Adam and Eve did eat from the fruit, and dispelled them out of the Garden of Eden before they also might eat from the "Tree of Life" which would give them immortality. However many today regard this fruit as being an apple, it had actually not been written what kind of fruit this fruit of "Forbidden Knowlegde" actually was.
It is also important to know that the "serpent" in the Bible story was never called "the devil" or something like that, but simply "satan", which translates from Old Hebrew to "adversary", thus it is not a specific name. This makes sense because when "God" cursed him to crawl on his belly and eat dust, he had been opposing the will of "God". According to certain Jewish legends (not to be confused with the Jewish holy scriptures) the serpent was - before the "fall of man" - of extraordinary size, the smartest among the animals, stood upright, and would have resembled man closely. After the fall its body degenerated, and lost its feet and mental capabilities. (See the book: "Legends of the Jews" (1909), by Louis Ginzberg.) The belief of the devil as a horned man with goat hoofs is but a (possibly medieval) fabrication of Christianity, because this actually represents a satyr; a mythical creature that is half man/ half goat, just like Pan; one of the gods of the "Old Religion" (Paganism). The English word devil ("d' evil" or 'the evil") hints to an originally conceptual word rather than an actual name, and is generally meant as the archetypical name for (all) that is evil.
The story about a serpent who acts against the will of the Lord may relate to the rivalry between Enki (Lord of the earth) and his half-brother Enlil (Lord of Heaven) from the old Mesopotamian legends. Like mentioned earlier, Enki was known by the Sumerians as the great serpent or dragon, so maybe the serpent from the Biblical story was Enki who took the form of this animal or possessed its body. According to the myths, Enki made the human race more intelligent in time, which was against the will of Enlil, the god with the highest authority. When a war took place between their groups it wouldn't be that strange if Enki was called the "adversary" by Enlil to his followers and prophets.
According to the work of the Chronicle Project the "Tree of Knowlegde" had been translated as the "tree of remembers"; a tree of knowledge to satisfy and fear, and was in the middle of the enclosed area. That which grew on this tree had the ability to transfigure man's mind to the much higher level of perception of the Originators, and this had been told to Eve by a further not described "overseer" (the "serpent" in the Bible, possibly Enki). The overseer also told her that she would not die when she ate from it when she would proceed to transfigure. (This is reminiscent of the use of a very strong psychoactive drug where inner resistance can be very dangerous.) Where in the Bible there was spoken of a seperate "Tree of Eternal Life" - which was tightly guarded after Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden - it would according to the translation actually be the very same tree as this tree was also called the "tree of remembers".
The book: "The Apocalypse of Adam" from the Nag Hammadi writings (labeled as apocryphal and believed to be of Gnostic origin), also tells about a certain subcreator, referred to as the "demiurge", who created Adam and Eve. In these Gnostic texts, the so-called: "demiurge", is seen as the fashioner of the materialistic world. "Demiurge" originates from the Greek dēmiourogos, literally: "public worker", originally a common noun for "craftsman" or "artisan". The story does not speak about a literal "fruit" or apple, but about a certain knowledge: a word of knowledge of the "eternal God", that Eve teached to Adam.
From reading the text it can be assumed that this "eternal God" would not be the same as the creator god who was known as the "god who created us" (the Lord). It even says that Adam and Eve were higher than the god who created them, which strongly implies that this "god" was but a lesser god, namely a creator god. The concept of both an All-embracing God and a subcreator god is also a concept that is re-occuring in many ancient texts that were for this reason labeled as "Gnostic" texts and none of these texts were later included in the Bible. Various Gnostic systems view both the demiurge and material world however as evil creations, and the unmaterial (spirit) world as being good; The reason for this view could be because of the attempts of the subcreator to destroy mankind in the great Deluge. It is probably that - because of this rather conflicting ideology - Gnostic texts were not included in the Bible.
From the text:
Only texts that were considered canonical were included in the Bible, and texts that were seen asapocryphal and Gnostic were not, because of the conflicting view of the orthodox belief, though there are many canonical passages that strongly hint that the "jealous" and "vengeful" God of the Old Testament could not be the loving Father that Jesus was talking about in the New Testament.
This is actually far from a new concept; Marcion of Sinope, the mid-2nd century bishop and later Christian teacher of Asia Minor (the western two thirds of the Asian part of Turkey), already pointed out a large number of contradictions in his work "Antithesis" (which translates to "contradictions"), between the God of the old teachings of and the God of the more recent teachings from the time of Jesus. He was also the one who was responsible for both the dividing the New Testament from the Old and the divinding between the Catholic and orthodox Christian church. (Here Marcions' church became the very first Catholic church). Marcion believed that Jesus Christ had come to liberate mankind from the authority of the God of the Old Testament and to reveal the superior God of goodness and mercy whom he called the "Father.
While the place referred to as the "Garden of Eden" once really existed according to his readings, Edgar Cayce explained that the Biblical story of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was however merely of symbolic nature and therefore should not be taken literally. According to Edgar Cayce's readings, the Bible was the symbolic account of the regression into the flesh (in the first book: Genesis) and the restoration of the human soul to its divine origins (in the final book: Revelations).
One of the readings of the psychic and sear Paul Solomon (1939-1994) gave an detailled explanation of the symbolism of "eating from the Tree of Knowledge":
According to Edgar Cayce, the "fall of man" was an event recorded symbolically in Genesis where souls from heaven for the first time descended to the earth plane to began incarnating. The first wave of souls ("the sons of men") to incarnate became entrapped in the earth plane accidentally, through their misuse of free will, where they projected their own thought forms into physical beings we nowadays only know as mythological creatures like the centaur, the satyr, the mermaid, and so on. (According to the Paul Solomon readings these also included these "large beasts", which probably would refer to dragons/dinosaurs.)
Edgar Cayce described the "Paradise of God" as the original divine consciousness of these soul beings before their fall into flesh, which greatly lowered their consciousness, and was caused by the desire for companionship and carnal desires. The apple symbolizes the knowlegde (but actually knowledge without wisdom) of carnal desires, as the serpent symbolizes partaking in sexual desires. This eating of the apple caused a deviation in the divine law. By "nakedness" was meant the exposure of faults. (Based on Edgar Cayce Readings 364-5 and others.)
On an side note: The Bible also describes what seems to be unusual long life spans for Adam, Eve and other characters appearing in the Bible, as some are said to have lived multiple hundreds of years. Edgar Cayce also touched this subject in one of his readings and explained that years were counted different in those times. In this regard; what seems like extreme long life spans were actually quite normal to today's standard.
The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men
Angels were, figuratively spoken, seen as the hands and feet that shaped creation. From the energy of the Source, everything was created by the different hierarchies of angels: the universe, the earth and everything within.The ancient stories tell that a specific, relatively lower branch of the angelic hierarchy carried out the task in the heavens to keep an eye on creation.
Although this group of angels offered the people knowledge and learned them handicraft, not everything they learned the human being was good for them; Like the production of weapons, and knowlegde of witchcraft and enchantments. According to their evil deeds and lawlessness they were defouling the earth and they would also have created offspring with the daughters of men, who as a result bore giants who would be called "Nephilim" at a later time. (See Genesis 6:1-4 and the "Book of Giants" from the Dead Sea scrolls.)
Although it was thought in the past that the word Nephilim means: "giants", it is in fact derived from the Hebrew word for "to fall" and "to kill, destroy", in other words: the "Fallen Ones"; possibly both be interpret as: those that wandered off the path of righteousness. The giants were actually known by other names including the Emim, Rephaim, Gibborim, Zamzummim, and the Anakim. In both Norse and Greek mythology there is also the mention of giants which are they are called "Titans" by the Greeks and were according to some myths described as the sons and daughters of Uranus (the heaven) and Gaia (the earth). The Sumerian word "Titaan" actually means: "those who in heaven live", and therefore seems to refer to the Grigori/Igigi. (link)
From chapter 4 from the book: "Legends of the Jews" (1909) by Lious Ginzberg:
According to the Bible the Rephaim would have been part of the Nephilim and therefore it is possible that every group of giants had a different name although all of them we could call Nephilim. These giants were originally known as "heroes", but at a certain time it went out of hand. Actually, they would have needed so much food which wore out the food supply. The ordinary people became displeased by the giants and because of this the giants suffered discrimination and contempt which eventually resulted in a rebellion of the giants who in their anger and fury turned themselves against the ordinary people and began to eat them in their unquenchable hunger. They also began to eat every bird, beast, reptile and fish they could find, one after the other.
Because they were so big and strong they were no match for any ordinary human being. Law, order and justice could not be guaranteed, and because of this the ordinary people also took over their sinful behaviour. Even up to the portal of heaven the complaints would have been heard of the victims and also the call for justice. As the Book of Enoch mentions, the prophet Enoch carried out his mission to bring the sinful angels the message that they must immediately stop their inferference and actions or else they would be severely punished. The angels however ignored the message and because of this they were traced and imprisoned. Because of their disobedience this group, who rejected their divine glory for an earthly life, they are also called the "fallen angels" in the book of Enoch.
During that time however, most of the damage already had been done. The god with the highest authority, known by the Sumerians as Enlil, began to feel regret that he created (modern) man. He expected that his messing with creation always was against the will of the Most High, against the will of the Cosmos, and that it should be made undone. This eventually would have caused the great Deluge. His half brother Enki, who would have been directly involved with creation of modern man, would have secretly saved a pius man, who is known in the Bible as Noah, and his family, against the will of Enlil.
According to the Jewish belief in the Torah, the daughters of men from the story would specifically refer to the descendants of Cain, but this statement was not to be found in the corresponding story in the Bible. Based on this claim - and the disbelief that these beings were in fact angels - the story between the sons of God and the daughters of men is often interpret as the mixing between the descendants of the race of Adam's son Seth, who would have lived in the mountains, and the descendants of his sinful son Cain, who lived on the plains. The problems with this particular view is that this claim is never explained as such within the old texts and in no single old writing the descendants of Seth were called "sons of God", or mentioned with a similar name. Also, the designation: "sons of God" or the original word: "Bene Elohim" ("sons of godly beings"), means to the Jewish teachings a specific rank for angelic beings within the hierarchy of angels. (Hierarchy of higher beings would be a better term.) They thus were really a certain rank of angels and not the descendants of Cain, and this interpretation would also not fit within the context of the story about their gigantic offspring.
Isn't it strange that the previously mentioned "fallen angels" lusted for the earthly women and could bare children by them? This would mean that there had to be a genetic compatibility between the race of man and the "angelic" race of the sons of God. This could be either because both races were created by the Elohim, or because of the genetic manipulation of the human species by the sons of God.
From the material of the psychic intuitive Edgar Cayce, there were in the early periods of Atlantis "angelic" beings whose physical form were more like thought forms, who felt attracted to the way of living in the earthly material world. Edgar Cayce called these the "sons of men" (or the "first wave") although took the appearance of half man and half animal, just like the satyr, centaur, or birdman because they pleased to do so and thought it would be advantagous. For this to succeed they first had to lower their state of consciousness to a level in which they would be completely within the illusion of seperation. The problem however was that lowered their consciousness so much that they lost their attunement to the Divine Source, and without any help or guidance they were trapped in the material world as they couldn't find their way back to their original state of consciousness; that of the Source, of God.
This was noticed by Amilius - which Edgar Cayce also referred to as the Christ soul - and in an attempt to rescue these sons of men, Amilius guided the souls of another group of angels to the earth (called the "second wave"). These angels were spiritually advanced beings from other parts of the universe who later would have been described as the "sons of God" in the holy scriptures. They accomplished their goal by steering the process of physical evolution in a way that created more appropriate physical forms for these trapped souls. When finally the desired physical human form was created, Amilius became voluntarily trapped in materialism, as the very first "Adam" (which means "man" or "mankind") in the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia, in order to assist the trapped souls. Adam was the first human being of a revised and perfected specie, likely "Homo Sapiens Sapiens"; modern man. This of course is reminiscent of the ancient Mesopotamian myths regarding the creation of modern man those that were called "Anunnaki", and regarded as "gods".
The other "sons of God" followed (those who we now refer to as the "fallen angels") when they came down from the heavens and saw that the "daughters of men" were beautiful, and as a result many became entrapped in materialism as well. The faction that remained faithful to good and righteousness started to call themselves the "Children of the Law of One", while those were in opposition to their law, called themselves the "Sons of Belial", And there was a long lasting conflict between these factions. (It is possible that Belial means: "without God", or "the goddless".) According to Edgar Cayce, this happened during the times of Atlantis, and the actions of the sons of Belial which included the perversion of elevated spiritual ideals led to the spiritual regression of Atlantis which eventually contributed to the downfall of the archipel and her original civilization.
According to Edgar Cayce, Amilius would later have been re-incarnated as: Enoch, Hermes (Thoth), Melchizedek, Joseph, Joshua, Asaph, Jeshua, Zend and ultimately Jesus of Nazareth; the man who was first to attain complete "at-one-ment" as the perfect divine-human unity known as the "Christ", hence that is why Edgar Cayce referred to him the "Christ soul". Perhaps Jesus' phrase: "I am the alpha and the omega; the first and the last", could mean that he knew of his divine task which started as Adam; the first modern man, and which he completed during his life as Jesus. (The alpha and the omega are the first and last characters of the Greek alphabet as the modern (English) version of the New Testament is a translation of the Greek version of the text.)
Trance medium Douglas James Cottrell (PhD) spoke during his sessions regarding the planet Mars, about humanoid beings (who differed very little to modern man) which once lived on Mars but eventually escaped to other planets, including the earth, because of a huge disaster that made the planet inhabitable. The Martians that arrived on earth survived and became Earthlings. From his sessions it was however not clear if there already were humans that lived on the earth at that time, but if this was the case, it could mean that these refugies from Mars could have been those "sons of God" which had been spoken of in the ancient texts. This could be also the reason why they chose to stay on earth; Very likely they didn't had a choice because their home planet had became inhabitable.
Many writers on the topic of extraterrestrial visitors unanimously agree that the original Aryan race were in fact (part of) the Martian people that had fled to the earth in the ancient past, also known as the sons of God who were mentioned in the Bible. The word "Aryan" can be connected to the Greek god Ares, later known by the Romans as the god Mars, and would mean: "coming from Ares/Mars". Also according to Zecharia Sitchin's translation of the Sumerian clay tablets, the Igigi had a station on Mars (Sumerian: Lahmu), what could mean that the Igigi actually were former inhabitants or colonists of Mars.(There are more ancient cultures that made remarkable references to Mars, see the chapter about"Mars".)
The book: "A Dweller on two Planets" (1894) by Phylos the Thibetan (claimed to have been received through channeling by Frederick S. Oliver) called the people of Atlantis by multiple names, including: "the Sons of God". (More about this book in the chapter about Atlantis.) Quoted from page 204:
(* "Incal" was the name for "God" during the time period of Atlantis. Like also in ancient Egypt, the sun was often used as the symbol for the oneness of All-That-Is.)
In the book "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich, she tells the story of her own life where she recalls a past life experience in Egypt. She mentions the pharaoh from that time as being from a lineage of people called "the sons of God". These could have been the same people Edgar Cayce referred to as the "children of the Law of One", as both the "children of the Law of One" and the "sons of Belial" were the descendants of the "sons of God".
According to the story, members of this lineage "left their bodies" just before the coming "age of darkness". This could be the era known as the "Kali Yuga": the Age of the Goddess Kali, also known as the Iron Age or Dark Age, which had been mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures and is believed to have started around 3,676 BC. This was considered the age where mankind lost most of its touch with its own divinity.) The book "Initiation" mentions that these sons of God "dematerialized" their advanced technology (probably to keep this away from people who could do harm with it) and left the earth plane to enter into the Spirit realm, from where they could offer better aid and guidance to the still evolving humans beings. These beings already were or became part of the group dedicated to the spiritual evolution of mankind, called the "White Brotherhood". (As pointed out on the internet site: "Viewzone", new evidence seems to point out that the period of Kali Yuga could possibly end in the year 2025.)
Dutch trance medium Daan Akkerman, who claimed to have received channeled messages from the White Brotherhood, was once asked bout this curious text from Genesis 6:
He also asked questions about these "sons of God" who where mentioned in Elisabeth Haich's book. The answer was, - as he explained in his book: "Lanto 1: Atlantis" - that these "sons of God" called themselves in this manner because they knew that all people are sons of God, as God is the collective of All; Their consciousness about this fact was larger compared to the mass. They were originally part of certain extraterrestrial groups which came from the star constellation of Orion, which included this particular group we generally refer to as those "fallen angels" in our religious texts.
The word: "Nephilim" actually bears a striking resemblance to "Nephila", which is the ancient Aramaic name for the constellation of Orion. Maybe the Aramic society called this constellation by this name because they possibly they once knew that the race of the Nephilim; the "fallen ones", originally came from this particular constellation.
Further according to the readings of Daan Akkerman; During the late era of Atlantis, man generally was - though there were exceptions - then an emotionless being that was also in contact with the fallen angels. These fallen angels however, at that point in time, had lost the ability to manifest themselves in physical bodies due to the further densification of matter, which was the result of the last great changesto the connections of the electro-magnetic grid of the earth during the second cataclysm of Atlantis. They could however bind themselves to physical man, and ever tried, through man, to create a being without free will that they could form to their own insight. Through man, they carried on with genetic manipulations at humans, animals and plants, which caused the existence of monstrous creatures, and also the existence of giants and dwarfs. This all happened during the late era of Atlantis.
The Giants
There are numerous myths from around the world which speak about "giants", which usually refers to humans which were remarkably large in stature. In the Old Testament from the Bible there are numerous references to giants, as well as before as after the great Deluge, and they are also mentioned in the Dead Sea scrolls. It is quite possible that they were the Titans from Greek mythology.
For 10,000 years or more, early modern man known as "Cro-Magnon man" did co-exist together with the the much shorter Neanderthals in Europe which averaged from 5.3 to 5.5 feet. The earliest Cro-Magnon men were in comparison quite large in stature, averaging from 6.1 to 6.7 feet (male), which is somewhat taller than the average height of current modern man.
There are other references to humans of gigantic height to be found in the Bible, like in the book Numbers, 13:32-33:
According to numerous reports from the past past centuries, there had been found gigantic human bones at various places in the world. Although these findings are being kept in museums, they are rarely or not being put on display for certain reasons; perhaps because they simply cannot explain these remarkable artifacts. In the year 1911 there had been found the remains of red-haired giants with heights between 6.5 and 8 feet, in the cave that is now known as Lovelock Cave, near Lovelock Nevada. In the year 1931 there had been found two giant skeletons in the lake bed of Humbold lake where the first was 8 feet and the second below 10 feet. (Source:
A news report dated September 3th 2011 mentioned that giant human remains were found in Georgia. The involved scientists are telling that the height of these human giants could range from 8.2 feet to 9.8 feet (2.5 to 3 metres). From the article at Trend.Az:
Prof. Dr. Abesalom Vekua, a leading scientific researcher of the Georgian National Museum, further explained:
(For more information, see the TV-report here at: and a translated transcript at the website: "Giants, did they live?")
These kind of reports confirm the ancient texts that indeed giant humans lived in the past.
Legendary Creatures
On earth there were are certain animal species before which are now extinct but on the other hand there are also existing new ones. (Every year there are discovered new ones). This has often to do with the natural capicity of the organism to adapt itself to the ever changing environment. We normally would call this "evolution", but this word is however nowadays understood like: "the grow to a higher grade of development", although it is actually about adaptation and not growth.
In certain ancient texts there are described creatures which we don't know of today and because we can not find any physical evidence for these it is often thought that therefore they must be made up. While some creatures - including dragons and serpents - were sometimes used for merely symbollic reasons, this of course doesn't mean by default that they were merely originally made up as a symbol. Besides the old mythologies from around the world we also find these kind of creatures in the old Jewish and Hebrew texts. It is possible that the Jewish legends are the oldest writings known so far about creatures which nowadays don't exist (anymore), like the phoenix; a bird which at the end of her life cycle lighted her own nest including herself into flames, from where a new baby bird came from the ashes where her soul could enter back in for another 500 years.
It is little known that the wild horned version of the horse; the "unicorn", is also mentioned in several books of the Bible: See Job 39:9-10, Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, Deuteronomy 33:17, Psalm 22:21,29:6, 92:10 and Isaiah 34:7. In fact, unicorns were still depicted on 15th and 16th century European tapestries and renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci wrote about the unicorn in one of his notebooks, making it plausible that this animal wasn't a fantasy animal but did probably exist in the past. (SeeWikipedia for more information.)
Dependant on the Bible translation, in the Biblical book Isaiah the "basilisk" and the "fiery flying serpent (or dragon)" had been mentioned in a literary sense as if they really would have existed in the past. (See these different translations.) From Isaiah 30:6 (King James Version):
These flying serpents are perhaps related to the so-called "lindworms" from European mythology and folklore, where they were described here as serpent-like half-dragons that could be either winged or wingless, plus quadrupedal, bipedal or limbless and with a poisonous bite. From stories like the"Lambton Worm" it is evident that the word "worm" was an old word for a serpent-like and dragon-like creature, essentially a kind of sea serpent but that also could live on dry land.
Many ancient Mesopotamian wall reliefs are depicting mixed creatures including humans with animal-like features. The image above-left is a piece from the walls of the Babylonian "Ishtar Gate". The walls of the Ishtar Gate have been reconstructed to a hight of 14 km and are now currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.
Among the known depictions of numerous creatures such as: lions, bulls, horses and the now extinct aurochs, there are also numerous depictions of a creature that is known today as the "mushhushshu", which can be loosely translated as "splendor serpent" in Akkadian. Depictions of this creature had been mostly unchanged in ancient Babylonian art for centuries (see a probably much older version in the image above-right), which did lead German archeologist and architect Robert Koldewey (the discoverer of the Ishtar Gate between 1899 and 1914) to the belief that this creature really could have existed in the past.
This creature is actually very similar the so-called "questing beast" ("questing as in "barking") or "beast glatisant" (French) from the King Arthur legends, in which it is described having the head of a serpent, the body of a leopard, the backside of a lion and the front paws of a reindeer or a rabbit. From his belly would have sounded a sound like thirty yelping dogs. Popular interpretations view the mushhushshu as a dragon or dragon-like creature.
Among the readings of of Edgar Cayce there is also the mention of half-human beasts, varying from the size of midgets to giants, that began to populate earth from some point in time, but were mostly wiped out after the great flood. They were the first angel-like beings that came to earth to experience a mortal earthly existence. These beings eventually would have become the basis for the legendary creatures of Greco-Roman mythology; like the unicorn, mermaid, minotaur, cyclops, and the satyr, because these beings would really have existed once in the past. (See Edgar Cayce Reading 364-10.)
Lytle Robinson also mentioned these mixtures based on the Edgar Cayce readings in his book "Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man (1972)":
In his readings, Edgar Cayce mentioned the so-called "Temple of Sacrifice", which was a spiritually based hospital or health center, and the "Temple Beautiful", which was a school of higher learning and vocational traininig. According to Edgar Cayce's material, these temples had nothing to do with human or animal sacrifices but instead the sacrifice of the ego and selfishness was meant, to develop oneself in the way to a more divine purpose. These centers gave hope to humanity that their bodies could be transformed, to heal the body and soul and also to get rid of the animalistic influences which had perverted mankind on a large scale. These reliefs seen above may have to do with the rituals performed in those centers.
Treatments for correction of bodily and mental deformities were accomplished not only through the use of surgery, medicines, electrical therapy, massage, spinal adjustments and the like; but by diet, the vibrations of music, colours, dancing, song, chanting, and most important, by the use of meditation for raising the spiritual vibration within the body. There is actually a thight relation between mind and matter where scientists are in present time are just scratching the surface with their theories about quantum mechanics.
(For more information about Edgar Cayce's reading about "Egypt at the time of Ra-Ta" - by Ann Lee Clapp - see the website:, or see the book: "Edgar Cayce's Egypt" - by A.R.E Press - for the complete history of this period.)
Above: Assyrian bass-reliefs which often are given descriptions like "Winged Genie", or "Genius". The symbol on the wristbands probably represents a Chamomile flower. This flower is a much reoccuring decoration on the walls of the Ishtar Gate and therefore it is generally assumed to be symbol of the goddess Inanna/Ishtar, although this symbol is occuring much more often in other Assyrian and Babylonian art.
The general thought is that these bird-like beings depict "djinni" ("genies") that are in the Qur'an described as supernatural beings, both good and evil forces, and are different to angels. There are "beings" seen here who seem to have two sets of wings, while others are depicting with none. These eagle heads doesn't seem to be masks, because of the clearly human styled hair, and at some reliefs (like the one below-right) even beard growth is seen below the beak. Possibly these beings are the kind of people who Edgar Cayce described as having "animal influences". These Influences such as wings, tails, feathers and hooves would only have been fully disappeared from the body in the year 9,000 BC with the exception of some who were accurately depicted accurately in Assyrian (see the images above) and Egyptian art. (Moreover, there also exist ancient myths and depictions of "bird-like men" from Easter Island, Meso-America and Japan.)
During one of his sessions, trance medium Douglas James Cottrell described the temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia as a health center that was similar to the "Temple Beautiful" and the "Temple Sacrifice", which had been built by those that had migrated from Atlantis (Poseida) and settled in this region. It would originally have been constructed some 10,000 years ago. At these temple complexes there are also depictions of humans with animalistic features, like people who are seen with the tail of a snake in place of human legs. (Source: "Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Secrets of Angkor Wat", by Rammsteinregeln.) According to his e-book: "Atlantis Revisited", human cloning was already achieved by the ancient Atlanteans and they also experimented with genetic engineering where they combined elements from both human and beast. The Temple Beautiful was a regeneration place for those that were the victims of these experimentations and suffered from it. It could be that monsterious creatures from Greek mythology - like the Chimera (a creature with the body of a lion (or goat) and the heads of a lion, a goat and a snake as tail) and the three-headed head Cerberus - were the result of genetic experiments from those times.
The Great Deluge
There are many ancient myths from many different cultures over the world concerning a great flood. However, this does not have to mean that every myth was talking about the same disaster.
According to Edgar Cayce, the biblical "Deluge" would have happened around 22,006 BC. Because of the cataclyms, the Atlantean land land broke up into three large and two smaller islands. It is not to be confused with the final demise of Atlantis which happened around 9,900 BC, when the last remaining island of Atlantis (which Plato actually spoke of) finally disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean. (More in the chapter about Atlantis: The Three Cataclysms.)
The Tower of Babel
In the story from chapter 11 from the Book of Genesis of the Bible, there had been a united humanity of the generations after the Great Flood who spoke a single language. Migrating from the east, they settled in the land of Shinar, where they started to build a city with a large tower that would have its top in the heavens, so that they wouldn't be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. We can assume that, for this reason, it would have served as a large marker that still would be seen at very large distances. In Genesis 11:6-8, the LORD saw what they were up to and said:
There is a Sumerian myth that is similar to that of the story of the Tower of Babel, called Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. This myth talks about the building of a massive ziggurat in Eridu by Enmerkar; the king of Uruk. (According to Sumerian mythology, Enmerkar was the mortal son of the god Utu and Aia.) Here he demanded a tribute of precious materials from Aratta for its construction, at one point reciting an incantation imploring the god Enki to "disrupt" (according to Samuel Noah Kramer's translation) the linguistic unity of the inhabited regions - named as Shubur, Hamazi, Sumer, Uri-ki (Akkad), and the Martu land.The part of the Sumerian epic entitled "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta" (here translated by Samuel Noah Kramer) seems to be related to the story of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of tongues:
Map of the ancient near east.
Certain ancient Mesopotamian myths, including the myths of the Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians, have remarkable similarities with the stories of the Tanakh and the Old Testament. It is known that these ancient Mesopotamian stories are much older and sometimes even more detailled. For example: The story about the person Utnapistim from the Gilgamesh epic is very similar to the flood story that is mentioned in the book of Genesis in the Bible and the Tanakh. This would imply that, these "Bible stories", probably would have their roots in those earlier myths - instead of a diversion, what often had been thought.
The Bible is essentially a compilation of ancient texts, selected by the early church fathers. Texts that people weren't supposed to read, because they were not in accordance to the general Christian orthodox belief, were labeled as uncanonical and were purposely left out in the Bible, and this includes all works that were seen as apocryphal and Gnostic, like the "Book of Enoch", even though the canonical text Genesis 5:24 makes a very shortly reference to this man called Enoch:
"Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away."
The full version of the book of Enoch was once thought to be lost, but fortunately this book was later discovered again within the Ethiopian version of the Bible, where this book never had been excluded.
In the year 1945 there had been found a large jar within the ruins of an ancient monastery in the Egyptian place called Nag Hammadi. Within this jar there were found manuscripts that dated from the early days of Christianity, which are now known as the Nag Hammadi codices. Besides the well-known stories from the New Testament there were also found ancient writings that had never been found before, like the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the Gospel of Thomas. These texts were never included to the Bible because the Christian church saw the contents of these gospels as typical Gnostic, and Christian orthodox belief does not acknowlegde Gnostic views and concepts. (Gnosis means: "knowlegde".) | The Nag Hammadi Codices. |
Possibly, one might think that it could affect the stability and integrity of the Christian community as these books, which are still criticized within the orthodox Christian community, were to be officially added to the Bible.
Already since in the days of early Christianity there was the division between traditional Christianity and Gnosticism. Just because the oldest known scriptures (the Nag Hammadi codices) are typically Gnostisic in nature, it is clear that early Christianity was originally much closer to the Gnostic teachings compared to the traditional Christian teachings that at a certian time became the national religion of Rome and which from there did spread to other countries. The consequence was that the Roman Catholic Church became a very powerful organization in a number of European countries and its inhabitants - often followers of Pagan nature religions - were forced to convert themselves to the new religion of Christianity, otherwise one was sentenced to death.
"Like a beam of light is related to the sun, so man is also related to the Source",
"We have 'the features of the Father",
"We are the heirs of the Father"
"We have 'the features of the Father",
"We are the heirs of the Father"
According to the traditional Christian view, Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, while Jesus himself declared several times in the ancient "gnostic" arrrrrrtexts that people are also sons (and daughters) of the Most High (God). The reader who understands will notice these kind of messages also in the canonical texts in the Bible. The problem was however that most people did not properly understood or could believe this. When the people once wanted to stone Jesus he asked them why they wanted to kill him. Then they answered: "Because you, a mere man, claim to be God" (John 10:33). Jesus then answered them by quoting Psalm 82:6 which says:
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High."
Also according to the traditional Christian community, is the Bible the unchanging "Word of God" and there would never had been any alterations in the Bible. There is however enough evidence that - during the past centuries - many portions of the texts had been ommitted or changed. By comparing the texts from the modern day Bible to the older versions from the Nag Hammadi writings it is actually clear that the original texts differ from the later canon at many thousands of points. (See for many examples the book (dutch): "Valsheid in geschrifte: de gespleten pen van bijbelschrijvers" (2003) by Jacob Slavenburg.)
In fact, the part of the Bible we know today as the New Testament is actually a translation based on the Greek versions of these writings, as the original Hebrew and Aramaic writings were believed to be lost until the Nag Hammadi writings were discovered. We now know that the name "Jesus" is actually a Greek "conversion" for the Aramaic/Hebrew name: "Yeshua", as both names are verbal derivatives that have the same meaning: "to rescue" or "to deliver". This however does not have to mean that "Yeshua" was really his usual name by which he was called.
It is possible that the original Tanakh had not yet been translated in its whole full glory, because a research group from Canada announced in the year 2011 that they found a whole new way to interpret the ancient Hebrew texts from the Old Testament. According to their findings, they discovered that each letter is not a letter at all, but a full word, and what was believed to be a word, is actually a sentence-like description, which supplies the definition of the word. This whole new approach would reveal much more details compared to the usual interpretation. (See this CNN iReport from the 23th of May 2011, and their website for more information.) The Chronicle Project stated on their website that are also in the proces of translating the original Aramaic texts that we know today as texts that are part of the New Testament.
Since the discovery of the Nag Hammadi writings it is clear that the church as institution is very a conservative one that chooses to deny this kind of developments over any progress that could possibly cause some change of their own statements and visions. Possibly they think such changes would destabilize the institution but it would appear that actually the opposite is true; Many people lost faith in the Christian Church because it is not receptive for progression, adaptation and renovation, and as a result of this it does not blend that well in these modern times of free thinking and freedom of belief.
Mesopotamian Myths and the Elohim Sumer (or Shin'Ar) was an ancient civilization and historical region situated in southern Mesopotamia and is by many considered the earliest known civilization in the world. The Sumerians called their land: "ki-en-gir", which could be translated to: "land of the civilized lords", or "native land". According to modern archeology, it rose estimated between 4,500 and 4,001 BC, and it's ultimate decline was around 1,700 BC with the rise of Babylonia under Hammurabi. The original discovery of Sumerian civilization between the Tigris and Euphrates, by archaeologists in the 1870s, was due to the consideration of biblical scriptures about Shinar (a possible variant of the name "Shumer"). Shin"Ar or Sumer translates to "Land of the Watchers". (In the sense of "those who observe", more about this can be found within the next chapters.) | Location of ancient Sumer. |
The Old Testament originated from the Tanakh of Judaism and the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri and Deuteronomium, are known as the Torah. Certain Sumerian and Babylonian myths are quite similar to those ancient scriptures including the Tanakh and thus also the Old Testament of Christianity. However though, the Sumerian myths are known to be much older. This implifies that these stories from the book of Genesis probably originated from earlier Sumerian and Babylonian myths. That isn't strange as - according to the Hebrew Bible - all Israelites were descended from Abraham, who was born in the Sumerian city of Ur, and later migrated with his family to Canaan (which is now roughly corresponding to modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and the western parts of Jordan and Syria.) This could mean that Abraham could have heard of these myths, possibly he was even grown up with it, which he later could have written down in the Torah; the first five books of the Tanakh.
From: "Myths of Enki, the Crafty God", by Samuel Noah Kramer (world renowned Assyriologist and one of the foremost authorities on the ancient Sumerian language and literature) and John R. Maier:
"Sumerian literature contained a number of literary forms and themes found much later in the Bible... there are many parallels to Sumerian literature in biblical themes." (- p.154)
For example, the story of Noah's ark from the Book of Genesis, is quite similar to the Akkadian Epic of Atrahasis, and part of the story about Utnapistim in the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh (which is essentially the same story from the Epic of Atrahasis with some minor differences).
Even the texts side by side are similar:
"The gods smelled the savor" - Atrahasis III,v,34
"The gods smelled the sweet savor" -Gilgamesh XI, 160
"And the Lord smelled the sweet savor..." - Genesis 8:21
"The gods smelled the sweet savor" -Gilgamesh XI, 160
"And the Lord smelled the sweet savor..." - Genesis 8:21
There also was another flood myth called: the tale of Ziusudra, who was the ruler of Shuruppak, which was written in Sumerian. The single fragmentary tablet containing the story was dated to the 17th century BC (Old Babylonian Empire), which makes it older than the Epic of Gilgamesh which was dated to c. 1,100 BC.
A remarkable difference between the modern Mespotamian myths and the Bible, is that in the Mesopotamian myths there is the mention of the word "gods" in place of the "LORD". This is because the word "Elohim", from the original ancient Hebrew text, had not been translated accurately enough.
In the modern Bible the ancient Hebrew word "Elohim" had been translated as the "LORD", and in more recent versions and revisions, it was even translated as "God". According to the original Jewish teachings, the word "Elohim" is plural and literally translates to "Godly beings".
Genesis 1:26 even clearly mentions:
"God (Elohim) said: Let us make man in our own image."
"The Creation of Man" by Michaelangelo (at the Sistine Chapel).
This message also echoes throughout Greek mythology, where it is stated that man was created in the image of the "gods", and the section of the early Sumerian epic of creation: the "Enûma Eliš", in which the "gods" did create mankind (ch. 6:4).
In his work: "Yad ha-Chazakah: Yesodei ha-Torah", the medieval philospher Moses Maimonides (1135-1204) counts ten ranks of angels in the Jewish angelic hierarchy. Here the "Elohim" - translated as: "Godly beings" - are ranked at nr.7, below the "Malakhim" (messengers, angels) and above "Bene Elohim": "Sons of Godly beings" (the "sons of God" who were mentioned in the Old Testament from the Bible). The hierarchy is described as following:
- Chayot Ha Kodesh ("Holy Living Ones")
- Ophanim ("Wheels")
- Erelim ("Thrones / Brave Ones")
- Hashmallim ("Electric Ones / Glowing Ones / Amber Ones")
- Seraphim ("Burning Ones")
- Malakhim ("Messengers")
- Elohim ("Godly Beings")
- Bene Elohim ("Sons of Godly Beings / "Sons of God" in the Bible)
- Cheribim ("Strong Ones")
- Ishim ("Men / Man-like beings, persons")
According to a lecture of Austrian philosopher, writer, architect, social reformer and esotericist Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (1861-1925), there would exist higher beings without a physical body who are connected with the evolution of mankind. From his lecture: "Egyptian Myths and Mysteries, Lecture 5":
" the fullness of the light there should also live all those other high beings who, although not assuming a physical body, were connected with the evolution of man: Angels, Archangels and Principalities. But not only were these present. In the fullness of the light lived still higher beings also: the Powers, or Exusiai, or Spirits of Form; the Virtues, or Dynameis, or Spirits of Motion; the Dominions, or Kyriotetes, or Spirits of Wisdom; those spirits who are called the Thrones, or Spirits of Will; finally, in looser connection with the fullness of the light, more and more detaching themselves therefrom, the Cherubim and Seraphim. The earth was a world inhabited by a whole hierarchy of lower and higher beings, all sublime."
Angels could be described as discarnated beings that have an interest in the welfare of someone else in the physical world, and can be called upon for guidance and healing. They have physical bodies that are not of flesh and blood but are rather of a metaphysical or "spiritual" nature. They are usually not visible for human beings, but with much effort they would be able to show themselves as a shimmering, translucent form. Angels are mentioned in the Old and New Testament of the Bible, the Tanakh and the Qu'ran, often as messengers ("Malachi") of God. hey are often described by scribes as non-physical beings who can assume a humanlike body that could appear like a shining and flickering fire, butsometimes they are also described appearing as an ordinary physical human being.
Patricia Cori, channel of the Sirian High Council, calls them the "Elders"; master geneticists from neighboring star systems and extra-dimensional realities. German psychic intuitive Ute Kretzschmar, who assumedly channeled two different groups of ascended masters who call themselves "Confucius" and "Kuthumi" (derived from two oriental teachers from the past), described the "Elohim" in her book:"Die Seele in den Meisterjahren" (2003), as an exalted, re-fused complete being existing of souls that completed their cycles of incarnation in the "dual universe" (the part of the universe where "duality" exists). It was the further development of the ascended masters and Arch-angels. They are called "angels" because in that state they are fused with the dimension of angels. This re-fused total being bears the experiences of many in "himself". "Eloah" does not know the experience of being divided into multiple beings and is the only non-divided total being that can enter the dual universe.
Eloah (or Eloha) is the singular form of the plural word "Elohim", and would translate to "God", or "Godly being". It had been used in the Tanakh and the Bible, especially in the more poetic chapters; At six places it is used to describe "pagan" gods (like in Chronicles 32:15 and Daniel 11:37-8), though in the most cases it is used to refer to the "God of Israel", known in the Tanakh as Yaweh (YHWH) and Jehova (JHVH) in the English and Greek Bible. Eloah also doesn't specifically refers to a male being because this word is both male and female in the language of Old Hebrew.
The story from the Biblical book Exodus also strongly suggests that the old Israelites were familiar with more gods besides the God of Israel. They actually sung the following during the crossing of the Red Sea (Exodus 15:11):
"Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods?
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" - Exodus 15:11
Who is like you, majestic in holiness,
awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" - Exodus 15:11
Figuratively spoken - like the cells in a body - one is in a certain way on its own but also connected together as a one whole or "holy" Spirit. (The word: "holy" actually comes from being "whole".) And as so-called individual "souls": beings from God, figuratively speaking the "sons" or "children" of God, each one is an unique part from the collective mind: the "Father", from where one came from and is able to act independantly from each other, thus gifted with free will to choose. Seen from the most high perspective every form of separation is nothing more than an illusion. Every soul is connected with each other on an energetic level - even as though most people are not aware of this - and this also creates a field of knowledge, wisdom and other information. This is also the source where intuitive information comes from like strong forebodings, deja-vu's and prophetic dreams and where the information of psychic intuitives comes from.
One part of these souls wished to experience Its own Creation by exploring the Universe in bodies of their own, which came at the expense of a drop in consciousness and knowledge of its Divine origin whereby the "ego", or the personality, was formed by which one could experience the illusion of separation; like *if* they were really separated from each other and the rest of the Cosmos. Other souls that we know as the Arch-angels usually never departed and remained loyal to the Source and therefore they kept the most elevated and unadulterated form of consciousness. This is explained very well in the book: "The Children of the Law of One & The Lost Teachings of Atlantis" (1997) by Jon Peniel.
There is also a series of books called: "The Law of One - The Ra Material" (1984) (channeled by Carla L. Rueckert, Don Elkins and Jim McCarty) but I do not recommend reading it as there are crucial inconsistencies with Edgar Cayce's information - who actually first made mention of the Law of One - and other sources which are more consistent with each other.
Far at the end of the first book it even made an effort to downplay Jesus as a nameless entity (who from the Edgar Cayce material was named Amilius and would even accompanied Ra during his lifetime as Hermes (possibly Thoth)) who according to this book in his childhood he would have killed a playmate with his powers during a spurt of anger. Who actually honestly believes this? Only because his absolute innocence and his connection with the divine he could ultimately become the Christ, only he was considered being worthly enough, so to me this is the clearest example of the twisting of truths in an attempt to elevate oneself above those who are the true servants of God. The actual reason for this would be to confuse and therefore derail one from the righteous spiritual path. This also reminds me about the Raelism UFO-religion which also twist the Biblical story of Jesus, and the Urantia Book that could possibly be World War II Nazi propaganda for eugenics and racial purification.
My advice for information that cannot be proven in a rational way is to always check whether or not this information reasonates with your inner feelings; your intuition. To fathom the truth one shouldn't be just merely critical but above all be honest and unbiased to the self and towards others (because you reap what you sow).
The Mesopotamian Dieties
By comparing the texts of the book of Genesis, like the stories of the sons of God, the Deluge and the confusion of tongues (the Tower of Babel story), with the Mesopotamian myths, one should note these stories are not only very similar but also that there is the mention of multiple gods instead of one. The ancient Mesopotamian people knew, like the old Greeks, a whole pantheon of various dieties where each of one had his/her own place within the hierarchy. Like the Greek gods, the Mesopotamian dieties were not seen as the creators of the world but as the almighty rulers of a world which was already in existence.
Today many researchers believe that the mythical gods were invented by man himself. This is because scientific conclusions are often based on tangible evidence, but how can one find evidence for beings that were not physical by definition? Many writings and other testimonials of various ancient cultures share a similar basis where a certain chief god commands a pantheon of "lower" gods (or angels): a certain small seperate group group of individuals here on earth who - to the more simple human beings - seemed to have supernatural powers and actively influenced mankind, animals and the rest of nature.
Apparently, who they really were had never been fully explained and it is probable that ancient man also would not had been able to fully comprehend this. (Enoch's writings about his visitations to the various "heavens" under the guidance of angels actually raises more questions than answers because of his limited frame of reference.) From his written dialogues, it is evident that the Old Greek philosopher Plato considered the stories about the Greek gods seriously because part of his philosophy was about them.
The Mesopotamian gods existed of gods of the earth which were known as the "Anunnaki in Sumerian and the "Anunna" in Akkadian cultures, who were also called the "fifty great gods", and the gods of the sky or the heavens: the "Igigi", who were the so-called: "lesser gods". At times the names of Anunnaki and Igigi were used synonymously, what could mean that the Igigi were actually part of the Anunnaki. In the Babylonian myth of creation; the "Enuma Elish", the god Marduk (who triumped over his father Enlil) divided the Anunnaki and assigned them to their proper stations; three hundred in heaven and three hundred on the earth. This also gives an impression of the number of "gods" or that would have been present on and nearby earth.
Where the God with the highest authority was known as the "LORD" (God in modern translations of the Bible) in the Biblical scriptures and the book of Enoch, we find instead either the name "Enlil" (which could be translated to: "Lord of the Storm") or the name of another diety called "Enki" (translates to "Lord of the Earth" and known as "Ea" by the Akkadians"). Enlil was the local chief god who shares similarities with Yahweh: the Biblical God of Abraham and Moses, also called the "God of Israel". Enlil was a stern but righteous god but when he was pushed to his limits he was merciless for anyone who opposed him. So when he saw the creation of modern man as a total failure he did send out the great flood. His half brother Enki was an alchemist, advisor and a god of fertility and wisdom. He would have been involved with the creation of modern man and was the one who saved the pius man known as: Atrahasis (Akkadian), Utnapishtim (Sumerian) and Noah (by the later Babylonian and Hebrews), and his family from the flood. Because Yahweh insisted that he did not want any other (false) gods besides him, the Jewish doctrine (which founded the basis for Christianity and the Islam) became a doctrine that - from that moment - worshipped only one God instead of multiple gods in earlier times.
Enki and Enlil actually share similarities with the Greek gods Poseidon and Zeus; They also were brothers with leading roles, whereof Enlil was a chief god like Zeus, and Enki had the watery abyss (the "abzu") as his domain, like Poseidon was the god of the sea. The chief god Odin from Norse mythology also share common characteristics with the Greek god Zeus, as they both were chief gods and referred to as some kind of father figure. Both Zeus and Yaweh: the Biblical God, would have dwelled in high mountains; Zeus would have dwelled on mount Olympus (the highest mountain in Greece) and it was mt. Sinai (situated in the Sinai mountains in Egypt) where Moses spoke with God. Yahweh, Zeus, Enlil, and also Odin were also likewise depicted as a powerful manly figure with a long (gray or white) beard. And like in the Biblical story of the Deluge the flood was described as a punishment from God, so is the flood of Atlantis in Plato's dialogue "Critias" similairly described as a punishment from Zeus; the god of the gods. (See the last lines of Plato's "Critias".) Could it be that one speaks about one and the same god or God?
Above Enlil and Enki stood the great Anu, the god of the heaven (firmament) and according to ancient Sumerian beliefs the supreme head of the gods. His kingdom was in the expansion of the heavens and is like the Greek god Ouranos (latinized: Uranus) - whose name is similar to the name Anu - known as a personification of the heavens/sky. Possibly, Anu never descended to the earthly material world and maybe he was the so-called oversoul of these gods. According to the stories all other gods of the Anunnaki would be his descendants. His leadership was followed up by the god Enlil, what eventually lead to a conflict with his half brother Enki about who would be the righteous leader. Also the Sumerian goddess Inanna, granddaughter of Enlil and great-granddaugher of Anu, and known by the Akkadians as "Ishtar", has similarities with the Greek goddess Aphrodite, known by the Romans as Venus.
Print of a cylinder seal depicting several gods.
- Anu, which is assumed to be the name of the Anunnaki’s supreme god. And the epistemological meaning of Anu is: Lord; leader; king. As a personification of the heaven/sky, his kingdom was "in the expanse of the heavens", just like the Greek god Ouranos/Uranus.
- Na, is either a verb or an adverb, meaning "to send". In many Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Old Babylonian texts and inscriptions, “Na” was written as “Ina”, and meant in, from within, so on.
- Ki, generally means "earth" in Akkadian and Sumerian, but also means "the underworld", "the netherworld", "the world of death". Maybe they regarded earth sometimes as the "world of death" because everything in the earthly "material word" eventually perishes.
Quite literary Anunnaki could both translate to: "Anu to earth' or "heaven to earth". In his book "The Twelfth Planet" (1976), author and expert in ancient languages Zecharia Sitchin translated this as: "(those who) from heaven to earth came".
According to Patricia Cori; channel of the "Sirian High Council", Anu would be the name given to Sirius C. She mentions the Anunnaki (which she writes as "Annunaki") specifically as the: "warriors of Anu"; the dark forces from the planet Nebiru (Nibiru); a neighbouring planet that was close to Sirius C, and their sole purpose for visiting planet Earth on a regular basis would have been to claim this paradise planet for themselves and to rob her of her precious minerals. (From her book: "Atlantis Rising" (2001).) Although the existence of Sirius C is at least expected by science, it would be so far away that it would not be possible to photograph using today's technology.
The word Anunnaki is also somewhat similar to the name of the group of giants who are called "Anakim" in old Hebrew or Enkaites in the Biblical book Numbers, 13:32-33, which translates to "long-necked ones". The word "Anakim" is probably not a variantion of the word "Anunnaki" but would be one of the many names given to the giants or more a certain group of giants.
The word Anunnaki is similar to the word: "annunagi" which is usually translated as: "the shining ones". This is remarkable because in the old texts, angels are sometimes described as very bright, glorious and shining beings, shimmering like fire. (Like in chapter 19:1 from the Second Book of Enoch, also known as the Book of the Secrets of Enoch.) Early scientific sources considered the names Anunnaki and annunagi as variations of each other and this is possibly true. It had also been considered that the word for the "Nagas"; the word for the serpent gods/people who are mentioned in the ancient Vedic scriptures from India, could have been derived from the Sumerian word: "anunnagi". The Nagas called themselved "Devas", a term for all beings that which are on a higher plane of existence, compared to earthly humans. The Avestan word "Daeva" means: "being of shining light".
Extraterrestrial Visitors
Certain myths seem to be interpretations of what people, in ancient times, believed what had happened, according to their own understanding and frame of reference. Many ancient texts from the whole world described beings who came from the heavens. In the Mesopotamiam and Greek mythology they were called gods, in the Tanakh, Bible and Qu'ran they were called angels, and from ancient Persia (the nowadays Iran) and ancient India there are similar stories of supernatural beings who waged war with each other - called the Asuras/Ahuras and the Devas/Daevas - who would exist on a higher plane of reality. And many well known ancient tribal legends from Central and South America are about star beings who came from the heavens to assist humanity.
In modern times, there exists the belief that "heaven" is the place were one goes after death, but the word "heaven" originally referred specifically to the sky and all that is above, including space and the "heavenly bodies", which includes the planets and the stars. Thus, the Sumerian and Akkadian words for "heaven" could be replaced with "above", and in this sense this would mean that these beings came from the skies, or beyond: from outer space.
The theory that the "gods" from ancient mythology were possibly beings of extraterrestrial origin was popularized with the books of Italian journalist and writer Peter Kolosimo (most notably: "Non e terrestre" (1968) ; which translates to "Not of this World"), and the later Swiss author Erich von Däniken with his book: "Chariots of the Gods? (1968)". This point of view was later dubbed as the so-called "Ancient Astronaut" Theory".
Born in Russia and grown up in Palestine, American writer Zecharia Sitchin(1920-2010) studied old and new Hebrew, and all sorts of Semitic and European languages, and had great knowledge of the Old Testament. Sitchin's work is about his own translation and re-interpretation of the ancient Sumerian clay tablets and seems to fuel some more credibilty to the ancient astronaut theory. His hypotheses are not widely accepted by scientists and academics, who often dismiss his work as pseudoscience and pseudohistory. At the time Sitchin wrote his first book: "The 12th Planet" (1976), only specialists could read the Sumerian writings. Using his knowledge of ancient texts, he researched and re-translated the ancient Sumerian writings according to his own interpretations which happened to differ at certain points from the previous translations of others. | Zecharia Sitchin |
Although he gave a plausible expaination for the word: "Anunnaki", namely: "those that came from heaven to earth", because it would be reasonably in accordance with the translations of variations of this word in nearby countries, he without any doubt translated the word "Nephilim" incorrecty as "people of the fiery rockets". Sitchin was namely convinced that the Anunnaki used rockets in the ancient past and showed in his book and during his presentations images of things (possibly menhirs) that were according to him were ancient rockets. Often this kind of evidence was not very convincing and decisive.
His later book "The Lost Book of Enki" was also criticized because Sitchin would have formed many different myths and legends into one fitting story, Many scolars are convinced these stories are not related to each other, but one cannot deny that it is remarkable that there are definitely similarities between old myths. Many civilizations for example speak of a great flood. Besides all criticism, substantionally Sitchin's translation actually doesn't differ much from other translations such as from the famed Assyriologist Samuel Noach Kramer (1897-1990), but with the distinct difference however that these gods weren't just being regarded as "divine" beings, but as beings which actually came from another planet. It is anyway clear that these gods,
immortal or not, were physical beings who also behaved and acted much like human beings.
According to his translation these tablets are about the long story of technologically advanced humanoid beings from another planet outside our solar system they referred to as "Nibiru", who came to earth some hundreds of thousands of years ago (about 444,000 BC) with the purpose to mine gold to save the atmosphere of their dying home planet. In ancient texts they were referred to as the "Anunnaki" (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations).
The word: "Nibiru/Nebiru" is actually Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. It may somehow be related to the similar word: "Habiru", which is the word for "Hebrew" in the language of Old Hebrew. For this reason, the name Hebrew *might* signify the descendants or followers of the Nibiruans. Nibiru was known as the celestial body or region which was sometimes associated with the god Marduk. While certain researchers believe that "Marduk" was the ancient name for the planet Jupiter, Sitchin believed that this planet - that was known as "Marduk" in Babylonian and Nibiru in Sumerian times - was actually a planet outside our solar system.
Print of cylinder seal VA 243. According to Zecharia Sitchin the dots above-left appear to be the planets of our solar system with the inclusion of the moon, the sun (in the centre) and one extra planet: Nibiru.
The mining operation on earth was in charge of two half-brothers with the titles of Enlil "Lord of Heaven" (which Sitchin translates to: "Lord of the Command"; the mission commander, usually translated as "Lord of the Wind") and Enki, "Lord of the Earth". Because the work was too heavy for the small workforce, they genetically altered the most intelligent and capable species available at that time on earth, which were ape-like human beings. Over the last 500 years, thousands of ancient gold mines where found in Africa, including a 200,000 years old metropolis dubbed as "Adam's Calendar", which had been discovered in the year 2009. It is possibly relevant to this story, because mining for gold was very hard work and needed organisation.
Additional evidence for this can be found in the re-translation of Genesis by the before mentioned "Chronicle Project"; Here speaking about the Garden of Eden ("Eadan", which means: "to make beautiful") which was located at the outcome of once four rivers:
"And a river so came forth to continuously pour out toward that Eadan to join the enclosed area. And at that location it broke apart to be four rivers.
To locate (where) the unified (river) dispersed it becomes the border to group all the Earth (of) the Havayalaha to establish the gold to locate.
And the gold of the Earth becomes satisfactory locations to embed items and (semi precious) stones, those to show."
(From: "Originator History", paraphrased English version, chapter 1, v7-v9)
To locate (where) the unified (river) dispersed it becomes the border to group all the Earth (of) the Havayalaha to establish the gold to locate.
And the gold of the Earth becomes satisfactory locations to embed items and (semi precious) stones, those to show."
(From: "Originator History", paraphrased English version, chapter 1, v7-v9)
Why would gold be of any importance at the time man had just been created? This text seems to tell that there was a search for gold and other precious minerals on Earth that was collected and stored at certain locations and that the location of the four rivers had become the central place of the operation.
According to Sitchin's translation and interpretation, they practically tried to create a slave species to aid in their work. The goal was to create a type of worker that was capable enough, but not too intelligent to question and resist their work. (Perhaps results of conducted experimentations may still exist today as "human-like" primates such as the Gorilla.)
According to Patricia Cori, channel of the Sirian High Council, the re-engineering of man by the Anunnaki actually degraded man to a lower sense of consciousness in order to effectively manipulate them. (According to her: If all people today only had a shimmer of a higher state of cosmic consciousness and thus the inner knowlegde about the true nature of the one all-embracing God there would be no more wars about religion.)
Later however, Enki - against the will of Enlil - decided to make this species more intelligent (but probably still not as conscious and intelligent as the Anunnaki themselves), and so a species closer to modern man came into existence. (First resulting in the "AdaMites" and later the "AdaPites"; the "Civilized Humans".) This intervention could be the reason why todays archaeologists are still not able to find the supposed "missing link" between ape-man: Homo Erectus, and modern man: Homo sapiens.
If this "myth" is true, and both its translation and interpretation would be correct (which is argueable), it would mean that modern man is actually a hybrid being, genetically altered by these technologically advanced extraterrestrial beings who mixed some of their own genes with the genes of the earth's ape-man. In that view, the ape-man but also the extraterrestrial beings (the so-called gods/angels or subcreators) to some degree, could both be our genetic ancestors. Further according to the story: When after a long time things got out of hand with the human race when the daughters of man begot offspring from the so-called "fallen angels" (the Anunnaki, or more specifically: the group that was called the Igigi).Because of the interference of these "fallen angels", a lot of sin and suffering took place, and Enlil became convinced that the tempering with "man" from earth was a terrible sin against the Cosmos and that it had to be undone, which led to the great flood or the Deluge. His brother Enki however secretly saved one pius man and his family, against the will of Enlil, though probably more people would have survived this great disaster.
In November 2013, revolutionary results from genome analysis were presented at a meeting on ancient DNA at the Royal Society in London that suggested that interbreeding went on between the members of several ancient human-like groups in Europe and Asia more than 30,000 years ago, including a yet-unknown human ancestor from Asia that is neither modern human, Neanderthal or Homo Denisova. (Source: This shows that, for modern science, there are still many unanswered questions about the origins of mankind.
Numerous psychic intuitives stated that the "humanoid" life form does not only exists on planet Earth and that it had its earlier origins from other places in the universe. To mention the information of but a few of these psychics:
- From the material of Edgar Cayce; the most documented psychic of the 20th century, these "sons of God"; these angels, were spiritual advanced beings from other parts of the universe, which existed of those souls which were led to the earth by Amilius: the Christ soul, who incarnated as the first perfected human being we today call: "Adam" or "the Adam".
- The Austrian philosopher, writer, architect, social reformer and esotericist Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner wrote in his book: "Atlantis and Lemuria" (1911), about beings with super-human qualities of souls and spirit; higher spirits who assumed a human form. They were once the guides and leaders of mankind, although "their true home was not of this earth". (See page 38 of Steiner's book.) At the times before the destruction of Atlantis, mankind percieved the world of the gods in his sleep, and it were those memories of these gods that were expressed in the mythology of the later Germanic, Norse and Greco-Roman cultures. Man then was a spiritual being during the night where the divine beings were his companions and thus he did not need to prove the existence of gods. (See lecture 3 of "Egyptian Myths and Mysteries".) This information probably originated from the Theosophical Society, were Rudolf Steiner once was closely linked with. The Theosophical Society was established by the occultist "Madame" Helena Blavatsky (1831-1931), who through her psychic gifts would have come to certain spiritual insights.
- According to the readings of the Canadian trance medium Dr. Douglas James Cottrell (PhD), there had been intelligent "human" life on Mars some 30 billion years ago, but had to flee to other planets, including earth, because of a great catastrophy. (More about his readings about Mars in the chapter: "Life on Mars in the Ancient Past: Dr. Douglas Cottrell about Mars".)
- Dutch trance medium Daan Akkerman ( explained in his book: "Atlantis en Ufo's" (2003) (revised English version: "Lanto 1: Atlantis"), that these "visitors" who had been mentioned on the Sumerian clay tablets, were advanced spiritual beings who came from the planet Mars (who originally were from the star constellation of Orion) and came to earth to mine gold in an attempt to restore the atmosphere of the planet Mars. (According to Zecharia Sitchin's translation this would be the planet Nibiru instead of Mars.) According to Daan Akkerman it shall be discovered on far away planets that huge buildings, like those megalithic pyramids on the earth, would have existed for a long time and that these buildings are actually reflections and mirages of something that actually exists for a long time in the Cosmos. (See the chapter "Life on Mars in the Ancient Past" for some examples.)
Eventually, scientists would be convinced that man is in fact not from the earth, and that he only became into its current densified form because of the earthly structures, and that there were times when man could travel as a transparent being between the many planets. Man was ever capable during the ages of Atlantis and Lemuria, to travel completely as a transparent being in so-called space ships, which were made from a transparent material and did have a form which currently not known on earth. Daan Akkerman described these angels from the ancient texts as extraterrestrial beings that already visited planet Earth since the early times of Lemuria. During the times of Atlantis they were frequent visitors to mankind, offering knowlegde. Atlantis was actually in contact with so-called "space ships" from various solar systems. Mankind also, was able to travel to various solar systems by the means of the non-physical body.
Forbidden Fruits
As told in the Bible, the "Garden of Eden" was located at the outcome of four rivers. The Euphrates and the Tigris still exist to this day but the other two rivers: the Pison and the Gihon, never had been found until in recent years. With the help of satellite technology, a dried up fossil river had been found whose location corresponds to the lost river; the Pison. Dr. Juris Zarins believes that the Gihon is the river which is now known as the Karun River, which was a perennial river until it got dammed. After spending seven years working out his own hypothesis, he concludes that the Garden of Eden lies presently under the waters of the Persian Gulf. (More about this:
In the book of Genesis it may seem that several people lived on earth when Adam and Eve would be the only human beings on the earth along with their only two sons named Cain and Abel. Firstly, there has been described that Cain would have found a wife in the land of Nod to which he was exiled after he had slain his brother Abel and then Cain is worried that he would find people who would kill him, because of his deed. From where could this woman and potential enemies come if Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel really were the first humans? What is not mentioned Jewish scriptures, but is absent in the Biblical text, is that Adam and Eve also had daughters, what could explain the presence of this woman and these "enemies", as they could come from the further posterity of Adam and Eve. However it may seem possible, isn't it quite strange to have part of your family as enemies? Could it be that there were other "people" around that were not from the lineage of Adam? | The Garden of Eden |
In the Akkadian myths we find the story of "Adapa and the Food of Life", from the El-Amarna tablets (see:, which had been dated at the fifteenth century BC. According to the story, Adapa was the son of the god Ea - known as Enki by the Sumerians - and he was both half god and half man, and therefore he had superiour intelligence compared to ordinary man but did not have eternal life, as the gods did. His name could have to do with the wordt "to adapt", perhaps because he could adapt to the gods' level of civilization. He had the right to live in the garden of the gods, called the Garden of Eridu (possibly the Biblical: "Eden"). Eridu was regarded as the world's first city in Mesopotamian tradition. Because of the similarities between the story of the Garden of Eden and the myth about the garden of Eridu, the Biblical Adam could be the same person as the Akkadian "Adapa". According to the Biblical story, the serpent actually seduced Eve to eat from the forbidden fruit, but in the Akkadian version there is however no mention of a spouse for Adapa, and there was never found a Sumerian counterpart of the Adapa legend.
The god Enki (Ea) was also known by the Sumerians as the "ushumgal", which translates to: "great serpent" or "dragon", and - in both the Sumerian and Akkadian myths - he planted a great fruit tree in his garden at Eridu which was called the "Mes"-tree and another wonderous tree called the Gishin (Sumerian) or Kiskanu (Akkadian). This is quite similar to the story of Adam and Eve in the Book of Genesis in the Bible where there is a tree of "Knowlegde of Good and Evil" and a tree "of eternal life" and a certain "serpent" who dwelled there.
In the Babylonian "epic of Gilgamesh", king Gilgamesh sought the secret of eternal life and ultimately found this in a plant which he unfortunately lost on his return. It is remarkable that both the Kishkanu and the plant of eternal life are described as growing in the water. Possibly this plant could have had a healing and revitalising effect by which means one could life a longer and healthier life. Probably to limit the population, the "gods" may have kept these plants for themselves within a restricted area like the garden of Eden, which according to the Bible was guarded by an angel with a flaming sword.
In ancient cultures like ancient Egypt and Meso-America, the serpent is actually the ancient symbol for wisdom and transformation, and could possibly be the symbol of the race of the extraterrestrial visitors who were called the "sons of God" in the Bible and other texts, who shared their wisdom and knowlegde with the earthlings, usually in return for precious ores and gifts that were crafted from it (see Patricia Cori's book: "Atlantis Rising").
From Elisabeth Haich's book: "Initiation" (more about this book in the next chapter):
"Then he takes the golden hoop that ends with the head of a serpent and fastens it firmly on to the white silken cloth over my forehead. It is the symbol of the members of the ruling race, the Sons of God. It is the symbol of the initiates..."- Page 128
"We use the serpent standing erect as the symbol of initiation, as the mistress of the tree of recognition and knowledge." - Page 256
"In front, the circlet of gold bears the head of a serpent, symbol of the procreative energy of life, transformed and spiritualized."- Page 313
The Bible tells how the "Lord" was very upset when he found out that Adam and Eve did eat from the fruit, and dispelled them out of the Garden of Eden before they also might eat from the "Tree of Life" which would give them immortality. However many today regard this fruit as being an apple, it had actually not been written what kind of fruit this fruit of "Forbidden Knowlegde" actually was.
It is also important to know that the "serpent" in the Bible story was never called "the devil" or something like that, but simply "satan", which translates from Old Hebrew to "adversary", thus it is not a specific name. This makes sense because when "God" cursed him to crawl on his belly and eat dust, he had been opposing the will of "God". According to certain Jewish legends (not to be confused with the Jewish holy scriptures) the serpent was - before the "fall of man" - of extraordinary size, the smartest among the animals, stood upright, and would have resembled man closely. After the fall its body degenerated, and lost its feet and mental capabilities. (See the book: "Legends of the Jews" (1909), by Louis Ginzberg.) The belief of the devil as a horned man with goat hoofs is but a (possibly medieval) fabrication of Christianity, because this actually represents a satyr; a mythical creature that is half man/ half goat, just like Pan; one of the gods of the "Old Religion" (Paganism). The English word devil ("d' evil" or 'the evil") hints to an originally conceptual word rather than an actual name, and is generally meant as the archetypical name for (all) that is evil.
The story about a serpent who acts against the will of the Lord may relate to the rivalry between Enki (Lord of the earth) and his half-brother Enlil (Lord of Heaven) from the old Mesopotamian legends. Like mentioned earlier, Enki was known by the Sumerians as the great serpent or dragon, so maybe the serpent from the Biblical story was Enki who took the form of this animal or possessed its body. According to the myths, Enki made the human race more intelligent in time, which was against the will of Enlil, the god with the highest authority. When a war took place between their groups it wouldn't be that strange if Enki was called the "adversary" by Enlil to his followers and prophets.
According to the work of the Chronicle Project the "Tree of Knowlegde" had been translated as the "tree of remembers"; a tree of knowledge to satisfy and fear, and was in the middle of the enclosed area. That which grew on this tree had the ability to transfigure man's mind to the much higher level of perception of the Originators, and this had been told to Eve by a further not described "overseer" (the "serpent" in the Bible, possibly Enki). The overseer also told her that she would not die when she ate from it when she would proceed to transfigure. (This is reminiscent of the use of a very strong psychoactive drug where inner resistance can be very dangerous.) Where in the Bible there was spoken of a seperate "Tree of Eternal Life" - which was tightly guarded after Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden - it would according to the translation actually be the very same tree as this tree was also called the "tree of remembers".
The book: "The Apocalypse of Adam" from the Nag Hammadi writings (labeled as apocryphal and believed to be of Gnostic origin), also tells about a certain subcreator, referred to as the "demiurge", who created Adam and Eve. In these Gnostic texts, the so-called: "demiurge", is seen as the fashioner of the materialistic world. "Demiurge" originates from the Greek dēmiourogos, literally: "public worker", originally a common noun for "craftsman" or "artisan". The story does not speak about a literal "fruit" or apple, but about a certain knowledge: a word of knowledge of the "eternal God", that Eve teached to Adam.
From reading the text it can be assumed that this "eternal God" would not be the same as the creator god who was known as the "god who created us" (the Lord). It even says that Adam and Eve were higher than the god who created them, which strongly implies that this "god" was but a lesser god, namely a creator god. The concept of both an All-embracing God and a subcreator god is also a concept that is re-occuring in many ancient texts that were for this reason labeled as "Gnostic" texts and none of these texts were later included in the Bible. Various Gnostic systems view both the demiurge and material world however as evil creations, and the unmaterial (spirit) world as being good; The reason for this view could be because of the attempts of the subcreator to destroy mankind in the great Deluge. It is probably that - because of this rather conflicting ideology - Gnostic texts were not included in the Bible.
From the text:
"Listen to my words, my son Seth. When God had created me out of the earth, along with Eve, your mother, I went about with her in a glory which she had seen in the aeon from which we had come forth. She taught me a word of knowledge of the eternal God. And we resembled the great eternal angels, for we were higher than the god who had created us and the powers with him, whom we did not know.
Then God, the ruler of the aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our heart(s) left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed within us. And it (glory) fled from us; it entered into [...] great [...] which had come forth, not from this aeon from which we had come forth, I and Eve your mother. But it (knowledge) entered into the seed of great aeons. For this reason I myself have called you by the name of that man who is the seed of the great generation or from whom (it comes). After those days, the eternal knowledge of the God of truth withdrew from me and your mother Eve. Since that time, we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these things, we became darkened in our heart(s). Now I slept in the thought of my heart."
Then God, the ruler of the aeons and the powers, divided us in wrath. Then we became two aeons. And the glory in our heart(s) left us, me and your mother Eve, along with the first knowledge that breathed within us. And it (glory) fled from us; it entered into [...] great [...] which had come forth, not from this aeon from which we had come forth, I and Eve your mother. But it (knowledge) entered into the seed of great aeons. For this reason I myself have called you by the name of that man who is the seed of the great generation or from whom (it comes). After those days, the eternal knowledge of the God of truth withdrew from me and your mother Eve. Since that time, we learned about dead things, like men. Then we recognized the God who had created us. For we were not strangers to his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And after these things, we became darkened in our heart(s). Now I slept in the thought of my heart."
Only texts that were considered canonical were included in the Bible, and texts that were seen asapocryphal and Gnostic were not, because of the conflicting view of the orthodox belief, though there are many canonical passages that strongly hint that the "jealous" and "vengeful" God of the Old Testament could not be the loving Father that Jesus was talking about in the New Testament.
This is actually far from a new concept; Marcion of Sinope, the mid-2nd century bishop and later Christian teacher of Asia Minor (the western two thirds of the Asian part of Turkey), already pointed out a large number of contradictions in his work "Antithesis" (which translates to "contradictions"), between the God of the old teachings of and the God of the more recent teachings from the time of Jesus. He was also the one who was responsible for both the dividing the New Testament from the Old and the divinding between the Catholic and orthodox Christian church. (Here Marcions' church became the very first Catholic church). Marcion believed that Jesus Christ had come to liberate mankind from the authority of the God of the Old Testament and to reveal the superior God of goodness and mercy whom he called the "Father.
While the place referred to as the "Garden of Eden" once really existed according to his readings, Edgar Cayce explained that the Biblical story of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden was however merely of symbolic nature and therefore should not be taken literally. According to Edgar Cayce's readings, the Bible was the symbolic account of the regression into the flesh (in the first book: Genesis) and the restoration of the human soul to its divine origins (in the final book: Revelations).
One of the readings of the psychic and sear Paul Solomon (1939-1994) gave an detailled explanation of the symbolism of "eating from the Tree of Knowledge":
". . . Each soul was aware of the ability to create and for as long as that awareness was maintained, there was never a thought of competition. For as long as life-forms on this planet were creative, there could not be a thought that if one should take more, that another would in turn have less.
Thus, there was no thought of competition but there was curiosity, a curiosity of understanding the relationship between life and darkness, and what is called love and fear or good and evil. And, though those inhabiting this school were warned against inquiring into such knowledge, the compulsion to know was too great for many to resist, and so there was the reaching into self, what is referred to as eating of the Tree of Knowledge, good and evil. (It) was actually a partaking of self or selfishness and the separation within self of the two sides, the two hemispheres, the two energies which, as you would see represented in the Tao in this time as yin and yang, are perfectly balanced; there are not two in actuality but only one.
Still the experiment with the curious souls was toward the separation of this yin and yang, which in turn allowed the separation of the masculine and feminine, the impregnation of the one (from) the other, which (also) resulted in the parting of the brain (into) two hemispheres of the brain, or the cleft brain, as we would refer to it.
This was the beginning of all thought of competition, of recognition of darkness, it was the birth of fear, it was the beginning of all things that a soul must graduate in consciousness in this time. This is the purpose for the establishment of a Mystery School, providing techniques, encouragement, assistance in releasing the appearance of duality, and allowing the individual to experience only light without darkness as a point of reference. The ability to experience light without needing dark to make a point of comparison.
And so it is with love and fear, good and evil, with all things you think of as separation and duality. It is the purpose of the Wisdom School, then, to bring back together that which has been separated in consciousness and to create wholeness.
In an expression of wholeness on this planet, there cannot be, in any way, any form of disease. There cannot be any form of harm one toward another, of war, of crime, or of what you think of as life and death. Nor is there a separation in consciousness between one side of the brain and the other, nor is there a separation of the consciousness of mankind with the consciousness of God."
(Quoted from: "Source Reading Japan #32, 5/4/92", from: "From the Beginning of Time to the Second Coming";
Thus, there was no thought of competition but there was curiosity, a curiosity of understanding the relationship between life and darkness, and what is called love and fear or good and evil. And, though those inhabiting this school were warned against inquiring into such knowledge, the compulsion to know was too great for many to resist, and so there was the reaching into self, what is referred to as eating of the Tree of Knowledge, good and evil. (It) was actually a partaking of self or selfishness and the separation within self of the two sides, the two hemispheres, the two energies which, as you would see represented in the Tao in this time as yin and yang, are perfectly balanced; there are not two in actuality but only one.
Still the experiment with the curious souls was toward the separation of this yin and yang, which in turn allowed the separation of the masculine and feminine, the impregnation of the one (from) the other, which (also) resulted in the parting of the brain (into) two hemispheres of the brain, or the cleft brain, as we would refer to it.
This was the beginning of all thought of competition, of recognition of darkness, it was the birth of fear, it was the beginning of all things that a soul must graduate in consciousness in this time. This is the purpose for the establishment of a Mystery School, providing techniques, encouragement, assistance in releasing the appearance of duality, and allowing the individual to experience only light without darkness as a point of reference. The ability to experience light without needing dark to make a point of comparison.
And so it is with love and fear, good and evil, with all things you think of as separation and duality. It is the purpose of the Wisdom School, then, to bring back together that which has been separated in consciousness and to create wholeness.
In an expression of wholeness on this planet, there cannot be, in any way, any form of disease. There cannot be any form of harm one toward another, of war, of crime, or of what you think of as life and death. Nor is there a separation in consciousness between one side of the brain and the other, nor is there a separation of the consciousness of mankind with the consciousness of God."
(Quoted from: "Source Reading Japan #32, 5/4/92", from: "From the Beginning of Time to the Second Coming";
According to Edgar Cayce, the "fall of man" was an event recorded symbolically in Genesis where souls from heaven for the first time descended to the earth plane to began incarnating. The first wave of souls ("the sons of men") to incarnate became entrapped in the earth plane accidentally, through their misuse of free will, where they projected their own thought forms into physical beings we nowadays only know as mythological creatures like the centaur, the satyr, the mermaid, and so on. (According to the Paul Solomon readings these also included these "large beasts", which probably would refer to dragons/dinosaurs.)
Edgar Cayce described the "Paradise of God" as the original divine consciousness of these soul beings before their fall into flesh, which greatly lowered their consciousness, and was caused by the desire for companionship and carnal desires. The apple symbolizes the knowlegde (but actually knowledge without wisdom) of carnal desires, as the serpent symbolizes partaking in sexual desires. This eating of the apple caused a deviation in the divine law. By "nakedness" was meant the exposure of faults. (Based on Edgar Cayce Readings 364-5 and others.)
On an side note: The Bible also describes what seems to be unusual long life spans for Adam, Eve and other characters appearing in the Bible, as some are said to have lived multiple hundreds of years. Edgar Cayce also touched this subject in one of his readings and explained that years were counted different in those times. In this regard; what seems like extreme long life spans were actually quite normal to today's standard.
"The days upon the earth then were counted in the tens, the fifties and the hundreds, besides the days or weeks or years in the present. Or, the LIFE existence of the entity, as compared to the present, would be years instead of weeks; or, in that experience, to live five to six to seven hundred years was no more than to live to the age of fifty, sixty or seventy years in the present."
(Source: Reading #1968-2)
(Source: Reading #1968-2)
The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men
Angels were, figuratively spoken, seen as the hands and feet that shaped creation. From the energy of the Source, everything was created by the different hierarchies of angels: the universe, the earth and everything within.The ancient stories tell that a specific, relatively lower branch of the angelic hierarchy carried out the task in the heavens to keep an eye on creation.
- The Sumerians and Babylonians originally knew them as the "gods of heaven" named the "Igigi". In Sumerian "igi" means: "to see", and "gi": "to surround, besiege, or to lock up". In other words: those who observe, thus the term "watchers" would be appropriate. The relation to the group called the Anunnaki is unclear - at times the names of Anunnaki and Igigi are used synonymously but in the Atrahasis myth the Igigi are described as the sixth generation of the gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, but started to rebel after 40 days and were replaced by the creation of the "mortal man" who would take over the work for them.
The Babylonian epic "Atrahasis" starts as follows:"When the gods instead of man
Did the work, bore the loads,
The gods' load was too great,
The work too hard, the trouble too much,
The great Anunnaki made the Igigi
Carry the workload sevenfold."
(Source: "Myths From Mesopotamia:Gilgamesh, The Flood, and Others",
translated by Stephanie Dalley, from:
- In the book Daniel, the book of Jubilies, the book Enoch, the Second Book of Enoch, and in several apocrypha they were called "Grigori", what means: "Watcher"; "someone who watches and keeps an eye on it".
- In the Tanakh there are called "Bene Elohim", which litteraly would mean: "sons of godly beings".
- And in the book Genesis from the Old Testament, "Bene Elohim" was translated as: "sons of God".
Because they had their task in the heavens it was forbidden for them to come to the earth. However, when they saw the beautiful women on earth, a certain group of angels rebelled, and under the leadership of the angel Azazel they descended to earth to choose women for themselves. According to the book of Enoch this happened on mount Hermon, situated in the Anti-Lebanon mountain range, on the current border of Libanon, Syria and Israel. This story was written on the Sumerian clay tablets and variations of this story are found in holy scriptures like the Tanakh, the Old Testament, the Qur'an, and the books of Enoch. The Second book of Enoch describes the Grigori as countless soldiers of human appearance and were bigger than the greatest giants, who with their prince Satanail rejected the Lord of light. ("Satanail" seems to be another name given to Azazel and could mean: "impious one". As mentioned earlier, "satan" is the Old Hebrew word for "adversary".) |
Although this group of angels offered the people knowledge and learned them handicraft, not everything they learned the human being was good for them; Like the production of weapons, and knowlegde of witchcraft and enchantments. According to their evil deeds and lawlessness they were defouling the earth and they would also have created offspring with the daughters of men, who as a result bore giants who would be called "Nephilim" at a later time. (See Genesis 6:1-4 and the "Book of Giants" from the Dead Sea scrolls.)
Although it was thought in the past that the word Nephilim means: "giants", it is in fact derived from the Hebrew word for "to fall" and "to kill, destroy", in other words: the "Fallen Ones"; possibly both be interpret as: those that wandered off the path of righteousness. The giants were actually known by other names including the Emim, Rephaim, Gibborim, Zamzummim, and the Anakim. In both Norse and Greek mythology there is also the mention of giants which are they are called "Titans" by the Greeks and were according to some myths described as the sons and daughters of Uranus (the heaven) and Gaia (the earth). The Sumerian word "Titaan" actually means: "those who in heaven live", and therefore seems to refer to the Grigori/Igigi. (link)
From chapter 4 from the book: "Legends of the Jews" (1909) by Lious Ginzberg:
"Cainite women and Cainite men alike were in the habit of walking abroad naked, and they gave themselves up to every conceivable manner of lewd practices. Of such were the women whose beauty and sensual charms tempted the angels from the path of virtue. The angels, on the other hand, no sooner had they rebelled against God and descended to earth than they lost their transcendental qualities, and were invested with sublunary bodies, so that a union with the daughters of men became possible.
The offspring of these alliances between the angels and the Cainite women were the giants, known for their strength and their sinfulness; as their very name, the Emim*, indicates, they inspired fear. They have many other names. Sometimes they go by the name Rephaim**, because one glance at them made one's heart grow weak; or by the name Gibborim, simply giants, because their size was so enormous that their thigh measured eighteen ells; or by the name Zamzummim, because they were great masters in war; or by the name Anakim***, because they touched the sun with their neck; or by the name Ivvim, because, like the snake, they could judge of the qualities of the soil; or finally, by the name Nephilim****, because, bringing the world to its fall, they themselves fell."(* Emim means: "the fearful"; ** Rephaim means: "the dead ones"; *** Anakim means: "the long-necked ones"; **** Nephilim means: "the fallen ones".)
The offspring of these alliances between the angels and the Cainite women were the giants, known for their strength and their sinfulness; as their very name, the Emim*, indicates, they inspired fear. They have many other names. Sometimes they go by the name Rephaim**, because one glance at them made one's heart grow weak; or by the name Gibborim, simply giants, because their size was so enormous that their thigh measured eighteen ells; or by the name Zamzummim, because they were great masters in war; or by the name Anakim***, because they touched the sun with their neck; or by the name Ivvim, because, like the snake, they could judge of the qualities of the soil; or finally, by the name Nephilim****, because, bringing the world to its fall, they themselves fell."(* Emim means: "the fearful"; ** Rephaim means: "the dead ones"; *** Anakim means: "the long-necked ones"; **** Nephilim means: "the fallen ones".)
According to the Bible the Rephaim would have been part of the Nephilim and therefore it is possible that every group of giants had a different name although all of them we could call Nephilim. These giants were originally known as "heroes", but at a certain time it went out of hand. Actually, they would have needed so much food which wore out the food supply. The ordinary people became displeased by the giants and because of this the giants suffered discrimination and contempt which eventually resulted in a rebellion of the giants who in their anger and fury turned themselves against the ordinary people and began to eat them in their unquenchable hunger. They also began to eat every bird, beast, reptile and fish they could find, one after the other.
Because they were so big and strong they were no match for any ordinary human being. Law, order and justice could not be guaranteed, and because of this the ordinary people also took over their sinful behaviour. Even up to the portal of heaven the complaints would have been heard of the victims and also the call for justice. As the Book of Enoch mentions, the prophet Enoch carried out his mission to bring the sinful angels the message that they must immediately stop their inferference and actions or else they would be severely punished. The angels however ignored the message and because of this they were traced and imprisoned. Because of their disobedience this group, who rejected their divine glory for an earthly life, they are also called the "fallen angels" in the book of Enoch.
During that time however, most of the damage already had been done. The god with the highest authority, known by the Sumerians as Enlil, began to feel regret that he created (modern) man. He expected that his messing with creation always was against the will of the Most High, against the will of the Cosmos, and that it should be made undone. This eventually would have caused the great Deluge. His half brother Enki, who would have been directly involved with creation of modern man, would have secretly saved a pius man, who is known in the Bible as Noah, and his family, against the will of Enlil.
According to the Jewish belief in the Torah, the daughters of men from the story would specifically refer to the descendants of Cain, but this statement was not to be found in the corresponding story in the Bible. Based on this claim - and the disbelief that these beings were in fact angels - the story between the sons of God and the daughters of men is often interpret as the mixing between the descendants of the race of Adam's son Seth, who would have lived in the mountains, and the descendants of his sinful son Cain, who lived on the plains. The problems with this particular view is that this claim is never explained as such within the old texts and in no single old writing the descendants of Seth were called "sons of God", or mentioned with a similar name. Also, the designation: "sons of God" or the original word: "Bene Elohim" ("sons of godly beings"), means to the Jewish teachings a specific rank for angelic beings within the hierarchy of angels. (Hierarchy of higher beings would be a better term.) They thus were really a certain rank of angels and not the descendants of Cain, and this interpretation would also not fit within the context of the story about their gigantic offspring.
Isn't it strange that the previously mentioned "fallen angels" lusted for the earthly women and could bare children by them? This would mean that there had to be a genetic compatibility between the race of man and the "angelic" race of the sons of God. This could be either because both races were created by the Elohim, or because of the genetic manipulation of the human species by the sons of God.
From the material of the psychic intuitive Edgar Cayce, there were in the early periods of Atlantis "angelic" beings whose physical form were more like thought forms, who felt attracted to the way of living in the earthly material world. Edgar Cayce called these the "sons of men" (or the "first wave") although took the appearance of half man and half animal, just like the satyr, centaur, or birdman because they pleased to do so and thought it would be advantagous. For this to succeed they first had to lower their state of consciousness to a level in which they would be completely within the illusion of seperation. The problem however was that lowered their consciousness so much that they lost their attunement to the Divine Source, and without any help or guidance they were trapped in the material world as they couldn't find their way back to their original state of consciousness; that of the Source, of God.
This was noticed by Amilius - which Edgar Cayce also referred to as the Christ soul - and in an attempt to rescue these sons of men, Amilius guided the souls of another group of angels to the earth (called the "second wave"). These angels were spiritually advanced beings from other parts of the universe who later would have been described as the "sons of God" in the holy scriptures. They accomplished their goal by steering the process of physical evolution in a way that created more appropriate physical forms for these trapped souls. When finally the desired physical human form was created, Amilius became voluntarily trapped in materialism, as the very first "Adam" (which means "man" or "mankind") in the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia, in order to assist the trapped souls. Adam was the first human being of a revised and perfected specie, likely "Homo Sapiens Sapiens"; modern man. This of course is reminiscent of the ancient Mesopotamian myths regarding the creation of modern man those that were called "Anunnaki", and regarded as "gods".
The other "sons of God" followed (those who we now refer to as the "fallen angels") when they came down from the heavens and saw that the "daughters of men" were beautiful, and as a result many became entrapped in materialism as well. The faction that remained faithful to good and righteousness started to call themselves the "Children of the Law of One", while those were in opposition to their law, called themselves the "Sons of Belial", And there was a long lasting conflict between these factions. (It is possible that Belial means: "without God", or "the goddless".) According to Edgar Cayce, this happened during the times of Atlantis, and the actions of the sons of Belial which included the perversion of elevated spiritual ideals led to the spiritual regression of Atlantis which eventually contributed to the downfall of the archipel and her original civilization.
According to Edgar Cayce, Amilius would later have been re-incarnated as: Enoch, Hermes (Thoth), Melchizedek, Joseph, Joshua, Asaph, Jeshua, Zend and ultimately Jesus of Nazareth; the man who was first to attain complete "at-one-ment" as the perfect divine-human unity known as the "Christ", hence that is why Edgar Cayce referred to him the "Christ soul". Perhaps Jesus' phrase: "I am the alpha and the omega; the first and the last", could mean that he knew of his divine task which started as Adam; the first modern man, and which he completed during his life as Jesus. (The alpha and the omega are the first and last characters of the Greek alphabet as the modern (English) version of the New Testament is a translation of the Greek version of the text.)
Trance medium Douglas James Cottrell (PhD) spoke during his sessions regarding the planet Mars, about humanoid beings (who differed very little to modern man) which once lived on Mars but eventually escaped to other planets, including the earth, because of a huge disaster that made the planet inhabitable. The Martians that arrived on earth survived and became Earthlings. From his sessions it was however not clear if there already were humans that lived on the earth at that time, but if this was the case, it could mean that these refugies from Mars could have been those "sons of God" which had been spoken of in the ancient texts. This could be also the reason why they chose to stay on earth; Very likely they didn't had a choice because their home planet had became inhabitable.
Many writers on the topic of extraterrestrial visitors unanimously agree that the original Aryan race were in fact (part of) the Martian people that had fled to the earth in the ancient past, also known as the sons of God who were mentioned in the Bible. The word "Aryan" can be connected to the Greek god Ares, later known by the Romans as the god Mars, and would mean: "coming from Ares/Mars". Also according to Zecharia Sitchin's translation of the Sumerian clay tablets, the Igigi had a station on Mars (Sumerian: Lahmu), what could mean that the Igigi actually were former inhabitants or colonists of Mars.(There are more ancient cultures that made remarkable references to Mars, see the chapter about"Mars".)
The book: "A Dweller on two Planets" (1894) by Phylos the Thibetan (claimed to have been received through channeling by Frederick S. Oliver) called the people of Atlantis by multiple names, including: "the Sons of God". (More about this book in the chapter about Atlantis.) Quoted from page 204:
"Atl, known through the olden earth as Atlan, Queen of the Seas,” and her people as “Children of Incal,” * i. e., “Of the Sun,” and as the “Sons of God.” How are the mighty fallen!"
(* "Incal" was the name for "God" during the time period of Atlantis. Like also in ancient Egypt, the sun was often used as the symbol for the oneness of All-That-Is.)
In the book "Initiation" by Elisabeth Haich, she tells the story of her own life where she recalls a past life experience in Egypt. She mentions the pharaoh from that time as being from a lineage of people called "the sons of God". These could have been the same people Edgar Cayce referred to as the "children of the Law of One", as both the "children of the Law of One" and the "sons of Belial" were the descendants of the "sons of God".
According to the story, members of this lineage "left their bodies" just before the coming "age of darkness". This could be the era known as the "Kali Yuga": the Age of the Goddess Kali, also known as the Iron Age or Dark Age, which had been mentioned in the ancient Hindu scriptures and is believed to have started around 3,676 BC. This was considered the age where mankind lost most of its touch with its own divinity.) The book "Initiation" mentions that these sons of God "dematerialized" their advanced technology (probably to keep this away from people who could do harm with it) and left the earth plane to enter into the Spirit realm, from where they could offer better aid and guidance to the still evolving humans beings. These beings already were or became part of the group dedicated to the spiritual evolution of mankind, called the "White Brotherhood". (As pointed out on the internet site: "Viewzone", new evidence seems to point out that the period of Kali Yuga could possibly end in the year 2025.)
Dutch trance medium Daan Akkerman, who claimed to have received channeled messages from the White Brotherhood, was once asked bout this curious text from Genesis 6:
Q: Could you clarify the for us untransparent text from Genesis 6:1-6 about giants, human daughters, divine sons and their children who were heroes?
A: It goes without notice that here is spoken about the transition between Lemuria and Atlantis. During this era, the beings were still not completely solidified. There were beings who could travel between earth and Cosmos, who were able to manifest themselves in spiritual form and also to copulate physically. Therefore they were able to create children who were far beyond the intelligence and strength of the human race of these days. They were the heroes, were capable to do things that man wasn't able to do on the normal level. In this way there are many created who, from this lineage, have the blood of these heroes in their veins, pure physically, because of this union of those nephilim and man.
(Source: Freely translated from page 99 of the dutch version of the book: "Lanto 1: Atlantis en ufo's.")
A: It goes without notice that here is spoken about the transition between Lemuria and Atlantis. During this era, the beings were still not completely solidified. There were beings who could travel between earth and Cosmos, who were able to manifest themselves in spiritual form and also to copulate physically. Therefore they were able to create children who were far beyond the intelligence and strength of the human race of these days. They were the heroes, were capable to do things that man wasn't able to do on the normal level. In this way there are many created who, from this lineage, have the blood of these heroes in their veins, pure physically, because of this union of those nephilim and man.
(Source: Freely translated from page 99 of the dutch version of the book: "Lanto 1: Atlantis en ufo's.")
He also asked questions about these "sons of God" who where mentioned in Elisabeth Haich's book. The answer was, - as he explained in his book: "Lanto 1: Atlantis" - that these "sons of God" called themselves in this manner because they knew that all people are sons of God, as God is the collective of All; Their consciousness about this fact was larger compared to the mass. They were originally part of certain extraterrestrial groups which came from the star constellation of Orion, which included this particular group we generally refer to as those "fallen angels" in our religious texts.
The word: "Nephilim" actually bears a striking resemblance to "Nephila", which is the ancient Aramaic name for the constellation of Orion. Maybe the Aramic society called this constellation by this name because they possibly they once knew that the race of the Nephilim; the "fallen ones", originally came from this particular constellation.
Further according to the readings of Daan Akkerman; During the late era of Atlantis, man generally was - though there were exceptions - then an emotionless being that was also in contact with the fallen angels. These fallen angels however, at that point in time, had lost the ability to manifest themselves in physical bodies due to the further densification of matter, which was the result of the last great changesto the connections of the electro-magnetic grid of the earth during the second cataclysm of Atlantis. They could however bind themselves to physical man, and ever tried, through man, to create a being without free will that they could form to their own insight. Through man, they carried on with genetic manipulations at humans, animals and plants, which caused the existence of monstrous creatures, and also the existence of giants and dwarfs. This all happened during the late era of Atlantis.
The Giants
There are numerous myths from around the world which speak about "giants", which usually refers to humans which were remarkably large in stature. In the Old Testament from the Bible there are numerous references to giants, as well as before as after the great Deluge, and they are also mentioned in the Dead Sea scrolls. It is quite possible that they were the Titans from Greek mythology.
For 10,000 years or more, early modern man known as "Cro-Magnon man" did co-exist together with the the much shorter Neanderthals in Europe which averaged from 5.3 to 5.5 feet. The earliest Cro-Magnon men were in comparison quite large in stature, averaging from 6.1 to 6.7 feet (male), which is somewhat taller than the average height of current modern man.
Like mentioned in the previous chapter, these giants from biblical texts including Genesis, were the offspring of "the sons of God" and the "daughters of man". It makes sense that these "sons of God" could possibly have been these quite large and possibly extraterrestrial Cro-Magnon men.Could this also mean that the daughters of man" were the shorter Neanderthal man, and could it possibly be that their offspring was even much larger? The giant known as "Goliath the Philistine", from the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel, chapter 17), had been described as "six cubits and one span" in height, which is approximately 10 feet and 6 inches. | David versus Goliath. |
"32. And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about the land they had explored. They said, "The land we explored devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of great size.
33. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
33. We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them."
In the original Old Hebrew text "Anak" is read as: "Anakim", which means: "the long-necked". It is stated that the Anakim are related to the Nephilim. Both stories took place in the times after Noah's flood, and these giants were probably remnants which survived, or were born after the Deluge.
The book Deuteronomy 3:11 mentions the king Og of Basan as the last of the Rephaim and his bed, or coffin, was described as nine cubits long and four cubits wide, or thirteen and a half feet long and six feet wide.
A news report dated September 3th 2011 mentioned that giant human remains were found in Georgia. The involved scientists are telling that the height of these human giants could range from 8.2 feet to 9.8 feet (2.5 to 3 metres). From the article at Trend.Az:
"Georgia, Tbilisi, Sept. 3 / Trend N. Kirtskhalia /
The bones of giant people aged over 25,000 years were found in the mountains of the Borjomi Gorge (South Georgia). This is a sensational discovery, academician of the Georgian Science Academy Abesalom Vekua told media."(Source:
The bones of giant people aged over 25,000 years were found in the mountains of the Borjomi Gorge (South Georgia). This is a sensational discovery, academician of the Georgian Science Academy Abesalom Vekua told media."(Source:
Prof. Dr. Abesalom Vekua, a leading scientific researcher of the Georgian National Museum, further explained:
"Pay attention to the lumbar bone, it differs from the bones of modern man in size and thickness. The skull is also much larger. These people have lived and evolved in isolation from the rest of civilization, they are so different in features and growth. In the literature they were referred to as giants, but evidence supporting this hypothesis does not exist. Thus, we are on the threshold of a sensation. But a confirmation will have to be preceded by hard work."
(Source: | Dr. Abesalom Vekua |
(For more information, see the TV-report here at: and a translated transcript at the website: "Giants, did they live?")
These kind of reports confirm the ancient texts that indeed giant humans lived in the past.
Legendary Creatures
On earth there were are certain animal species before which are now extinct but on the other hand there are also existing new ones. (Every year there are discovered new ones). This has often to do with the natural capicity of the organism to adapt itself to the ever changing environment. We normally would call this "evolution", but this word is however nowadays understood like: "the grow to a higher grade of development", although it is actually about adaptation and not growth.
In certain ancient texts there are described creatures which we don't know of today and because we can not find any physical evidence for these it is often thought that therefore they must be made up. While some creatures - including dragons and serpents - were sometimes used for merely symbollic reasons, this of course doesn't mean by default that they were merely originally made up as a symbol. Besides the old mythologies from around the world we also find these kind of creatures in the old Jewish and Hebrew texts. It is possible that the Jewish legends are the oldest writings known so far about creatures which nowadays don't exist (anymore), like the phoenix; a bird which at the end of her life cycle lighted her own nest including herself into flames, from where a new baby bird came from the ashes where her soul could enter back in for another 500 years.
It is little known that the wild horned version of the horse; the "unicorn", is also mentioned in several books of the Bible: See Job 39:9-10, Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, Deuteronomy 33:17, Psalm 22:21,29:6, 92:10 and Isaiah 34:7. In fact, unicorns were still depicted on 15th and 16th century European tapestries and renaissance man Leonardo da Vinci wrote about the unicorn in one of his notebooks, making it plausible that this animal wasn't a fantasy animal but did probably exist in the past. (SeeWikipedia for more information.)
Dependant on the Bible translation, in the Biblical book Isaiah the "basilisk" and the "fiery flying serpent (or dragon)" had been mentioned in a literary sense as if they really would have existed in the past. (See these different translations.) From Isaiah 30:6 (King James Version):
"The burden against the beasts of the South. Through a land of trouble and anguish, from which came the lioness and the lion, the viper and the fiery flying serpent, they will carry their riches on the backs of young donkeys, and their treasures on the humps of camels, to a people who shall not profit;"
These flying serpents are perhaps related to the so-called "lindworms" from European mythology and folklore, where they were described here as serpent-like half-dragons that could be either winged or wingless, plus quadrupedal, bipedal or limbless and with a poisonous bite. From stories like the"Lambton Worm" it is evident that the word "worm" was an old word for a serpent-like and dragon-like creature, essentially a kind of sea serpent but that also could live on dry land.
Mushhushshu | Cylinder seal impression |
Many ancient Mesopotamian wall reliefs are depicting mixed creatures including humans with animal-like features. The image above-left is a piece from the walls of the Babylonian "Ishtar Gate". The walls of the Ishtar Gate have been reconstructed to a hight of 14 km and are now currently in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.
Among the known depictions of numerous creatures such as: lions, bulls, horses and the now extinct aurochs, there are also numerous depictions of a creature that is known today as the "mushhushshu", which can be loosely translated as "splendor serpent" in Akkadian. Depictions of this creature had been mostly unchanged in ancient Babylonian art for centuries (see a probably much older version in the image above-right), which did lead German archeologist and architect Robert Koldewey (the discoverer of the Ishtar Gate between 1899 and 1914) to the belief that this creature really could have existed in the past.
This creature is actually very similar the so-called "questing beast" ("questing as in "barking") or "beast glatisant" (French) from the King Arthur legends, in which it is described having the head of a serpent, the body of a leopard, the backside of a lion and the front paws of a reindeer or a rabbit. From his belly would have sounded a sound like thirty yelping dogs. Popular interpretations view the mushhushshu as a dragon or dragon-like creature.
Some of these mixed creatures are now believed to be possibly some kind of guardian spirits. There is for example the "Lammasu": a human-headed lion with eagle's wings and the "Sedu": the human-headed winged bulls. The Lammassu could be a symbolical reference to the astrological age of Leo (the lion), while the bull could have been a reference to the age of Taurus (the bull), which began in 4,300 BC according to Neil Mann's interpretation, which actually is within the timeframe when the Mesopotamian culture flourished.In the scriptures like the Bible, there is also mention of what we today could see as mixed creatures which are called "cherubim" (singular: "cherub") which were seen as servants of the "Lord". The term "cherubim" is cognate with the Assyrian "karabu" (meaning "great", "mighty"), and the Akkadian and Babylonian term "kuribu" (meaning: "propitious", "blessed".) |
Among the readings of of Edgar Cayce there is also the mention of half-human beasts, varying from the size of midgets to giants, that began to populate earth from some point in time, but were mostly wiped out after the great flood. They were the first angel-like beings that came to earth to experience a mortal earthly existence. These beings eventually would have become the basis for the legendary creatures of Greco-Roman mythology; like the unicorn, mermaid, minotaur, cyclops, and the satyr, because these beings would really have existed once in the past. (See Edgar Cayce Reading 364-10.)
Mixed creature on a Mesopotamian wall relief. | Man with the head of a jackal, just like the Egyptian god Anubis. |
Lytle Robinson also mentioned these mixtures based on the Edgar Cayce readings in his book "Edgar Cayce's Story of the Origin and Destiny of Man (1972)":
"Overcoming the monstrosities, the mixtures and the animal influences was accomplished through rebirth, surgery and evolution towards a more divine purpose. The animal influences finally disappeared about 9000 B.C. Remnants of these creatures, with their appendages of wings, tails, feathers, claws and hooves were later depicted accurately in Assyrian and Egyptian art. The sphinx is a notable example of one of the earlier monostrosities."
In his readings, Edgar Cayce mentioned the so-called "Temple of Sacrifice", which was a spiritually based hospital or health center, and the "Temple Beautiful", which was a school of higher learning and vocational traininig. According to Edgar Cayce's material, these temples had nothing to do with human or animal sacrifices but instead the sacrifice of the ego and selfishness was meant, to develop oneself in the way to a more divine purpose. These centers gave hope to humanity that their bodies could be transformed, to heal the body and soul and also to get rid of the animalistic influences which had perverted mankind on a large scale. These reliefs seen above may have to do with the rituals performed in those centers.
"...for, in the period, there was the Temple of Sacrifice; or that wherein the body was shed of the animal representations through the sacrificing of the desires of the appetite, through the changing of self in the temple service."
(Source: Reading 275-33)
(Source: Reading 275-33)
Treatments for correction of bodily and mental deformities were accomplished not only through the use of surgery, medicines, electrical therapy, massage, spinal adjustments and the like; but by diet, the vibrations of music, colours, dancing, song, chanting, and most important, by the use of meditation for raising the spiritual vibration within the body. There is actually a thight relation between mind and matter where scientists are in present time are just scratching the surface with their theories about quantum mechanics.
"The passage of individuals through the experiences in the Temple of Sacrifice was much as would be in the hospitalization, or a hospital of the present day, when there have become antagonistic conditions within the physical body, such as to produce tumors, wens[cysts], warts or such.
Magnify this into the disturbances which were indicated, or illustrated in conditions where there was the body or figure of the horse, or the head of the horse with the body of man; or where there were the various conditions indicated in the expressions by the pushing of spirit into physical matter until it became influenced by or subject to same. Such influences we see in the present manifested as habits, or the habit-forming conditions.
Then there are, or were the needs for the attempts to operate, as well as to adhere to diets and activities to change the natures of the individuals; that their offspring, as well as themselves, might bring forth that which was in keeping with--or a pattern of--those influences in which there were souls or spirits with the idea, or ideal, of seeking light."(Source: Reading 281-44)
Magnify this into the disturbances which were indicated, or illustrated in conditions where there was the body or figure of the horse, or the head of the horse with the body of man; or where there were the various conditions indicated in the expressions by the pushing of spirit into physical matter until it became influenced by or subject to same. Such influences we see in the present manifested as habits, or the habit-forming conditions.
Then there are, or were the needs for the attempts to operate, as well as to adhere to diets and activities to change the natures of the individuals; that their offspring, as well as themselves, might bring forth that which was in keeping with--or a pattern of--those influences in which there were souls or spirits with the idea, or ideal, of seeking light."(Source: Reading 281-44)
(For more information about Edgar Cayce's reading about "Egypt at the time of Ra-Ta" - by Ann Lee Clapp - see the website:, or see the book: "Edgar Cayce's Egypt" - by A.R.E Press - for the complete history of this period.)
Above: Assyrian bass-reliefs which often are given descriptions like "Winged Genie", or "Genius". The symbol on the wristbands probably represents a Chamomile flower. This flower is a much reoccuring decoration on the walls of the Ishtar Gate and therefore it is generally assumed to be symbol of the goddess Inanna/Ishtar, although this symbol is occuring much more often in other Assyrian and Babylonian art.
The general thought is that these bird-like beings depict "djinni" ("genies") that are in the Qur'an described as supernatural beings, both good and evil forces, and are different to angels. There are "beings" seen here who seem to have two sets of wings, while others are depicting with none. These eagle heads doesn't seem to be masks, because of the clearly human styled hair, and at some reliefs (like the one below-right) even beard growth is seen below the beak. Possibly these beings are the kind of people who Edgar Cayce described as having "animal influences". These Influences such as wings, tails, feathers and hooves would only have been fully disappeared from the body in the year 9,000 BC with the exception of some who were accurately depicted accurately in Assyrian (see the images above) and Egyptian art. (Moreover, there also exist ancient myths and depictions of "bird-like men" from Easter Island, Meso-America and Japan.)
During one of his sessions, trance medium Douglas James Cottrell described the temple complex of Angkor Wat in Cambodia as a health center that was similar to the "Temple Beautiful" and the "Temple Sacrifice", which had been built by those that had migrated from Atlantis (Poseida) and settled in this region. It would originally have been constructed some 10,000 years ago. At these temple complexes there are also depictions of humans with animalistic features, like people who are seen with the tail of a snake in place of human legs. (Source: "Douglas James Cottrell PhD: Secrets of Angkor Wat", by Rammsteinregeln.) According to his e-book: "Atlantis Revisited", human cloning was already achieved by the ancient Atlanteans and they also experimented with genetic engineering where they combined elements from both human and beast. The Temple Beautiful was a regeneration place for those that were the victims of these experimentations and suffered from it. It could be that monsterious creatures from Greek mythology - like the Chimera (a creature with the body of a lion (or goat) and the heads of a lion, a goat and a snake as tail) and the three-headed head Cerberus - were the result of genetic experiments from those times.
The Great Deluge
There are many ancient myths from many different cultures over the world concerning a great flood. However, this does not have to mean that every myth was talking about the same disaster.
In the Mesopotamiam myths; The "gods" either created or foresaw the coming flood. The Lord Enlil saw this happening as an opportunity to undo their creation, which they thought was huge failure because of the corruption and lawlessnes of the people which started with the interference of the "fallen angels" and the birth of the giants. The god Enki (Ea), regarded as a co-creator and protector of mankind, didn't want to destroy his creation so, despite the agreement of the gods to let mankind perish, he told a pius man known as Ziusudra (Sumerian),Utna-pishtim (Old Babylonian), and Noah (both Babylonian and Hebrew "Book of Genesis") about the coming flood and instructed him to build a giant wooden ark to save him and his family. Quoting from Wikipedia: | Noah's Ark |
"According to Sumerian mythology, Enki also assisted humanity to survive the Deluge designed to kill them. In the Legend of Atrahasis, Enlil, the king of the gods, sets out to eliminate humanity, the noise of whose mating is offensive to his ears.
He successively sends drought, famine and plague to eliminate humanity, but Enki thwarts his half-brother's plans by teaching Atrahasis about irrigation, granaries and medicine. Humans again proliferate a fourth time. Enraged, Enlil convenes a Council of Deities and gets them to promise not to tell humankind that he plans their total annihilation.
Enki does not tell Atrahasis, but instead tells the walls of Atrahasis' (a.k.a. Utnapishtim, Ziusudra, Noah) reed hut of Enlil's plan, thus covertly rescuing Atrahasis by either instructing him to build some kind of a boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a magic boat.
After the seven day Deluge, the flood hero frees a swallow, a raven and a dove in an effort to find if the flood waters have receded. On the boat landing, a sacrifice is organised to the gods. Enlil is angry his will has been thwarted yet again, and Enki is named as the culprit. As the god of what we would call ecology, Enki explains that Enlil is unfair to punish the guiltless Atrahasis for the sins of his fellows, and secures a promise that the gods will not eliminate humankind if they practice birth control and live within the means of the natural world.
The threat is made, however, that if humans do not honor their side of the coventant the gods will be free to wreak havoc once again. This is apparently the oldest of the surviving Middle Eastern Deluge myths."
(Source: Wikipedia)
He successively sends drought, famine and plague to eliminate humanity, but Enki thwarts his half-brother's plans by teaching Atrahasis about irrigation, granaries and medicine. Humans again proliferate a fourth time. Enraged, Enlil convenes a Council of Deities and gets them to promise not to tell humankind that he plans their total annihilation.
Enki does not tell Atrahasis, but instead tells the walls of Atrahasis' (a.k.a. Utnapishtim, Ziusudra, Noah) reed hut of Enlil's plan, thus covertly rescuing Atrahasis by either instructing him to build some kind of a boat for his family, or by bringing him into the heavens in a magic boat.
After the seven day Deluge, the flood hero frees a swallow, a raven and a dove in an effort to find if the flood waters have receded. On the boat landing, a sacrifice is organised to the gods. Enlil is angry his will has been thwarted yet again, and Enki is named as the culprit. As the god of what we would call ecology, Enki explains that Enlil is unfair to punish the guiltless Atrahasis for the sins of his fellows, and secures a promise that the gods will not eliminate humankind if they practice birth control and live within the means of the natural world.
The threat is made, however, that if humans do not honor their side of the coventant the gods will be free to wreak havoc once again. This is apparently the oldest of the surviving Middle Eastern Deluge myths."
(Source: Wikipedia)
According to Edgar Cayce, the biblical "Deluge" would have happened around 22,006 BC. Because of the cataclyms, the Atlantean land land broke up into three large and two smaller islands. It is not to be confused with the final demise of Atlantis which happened around 9,900 BC, when the last remaining island of Atlantis (which Plato actually spoke of) finally disappeared into the Atlantic Ocean. (More in the chapter about Atlantis: The Three Cataclysms.)
The book: "A Dweller on two Planets" by Phylos the Thibetan and claimed to be channeled through Frederick S. Oliver, described various previous lives of a soul called Phylos, including one where he lived in Atlantis, and he also described some insights from the "Book of Life", which is also known as the "Akashic Records" in New Age terminology. At page 404 of this book, the author wrote that he saw in the Book of Life that the vessel of "Nepth" (appearently Noah), was carried by the great flood from Atlantis into Africa, from where it at finally came to a halt in Asia. (The book "A Dweller on two Planets" is fully readable online at:
Noah's story also bears some similarities with both the Chinese "Fu Xi" (or "Fohi"), who was the very first ruler of China according to Chinese mythology, and "Manu"; known in various Hindu traditions as the progenitor of mankind and the very first king to rule this earth.
The Tower of Babel
In the story from chapter 11 from the Book of Genesis of the Bible, there had been a united humanity of the generations after the Great Flood who spoke a single language. Migrating from the east, they settled in the land of Shinar, where they started to build a city with a large tower that would have its top in the heavens, so that they wouldn't be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. We can assume that, for this reason, it would have served as a large marker that still would be seen at very large distances. In Genesis 11:6-8, the LORD saw what they were up to and said:
"If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city."
There is a Sumerian myth that is similar to that of the story of the Tower of Babel, called Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. This myth talks about the building of a massive ziggurat in Eridu by Enmerkar; the king of Uruk. (According to Sumerian mythology, Enmerkar was the mortal son of the god Utu and Aia.) Here he demanded a tribute of precious materials from Aratta for its construction, at one point reciting an incantation imploring the god Enki to "disrupt" (according to Samuel Noah Kramer's translation) the linguistic unity of the inhabited regions - named as Shubur, Hamazi, Sumer, Uri-ki (Akkad), and the Martu land.The part of the Sumerian epic entitled "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta" (here translated by Samuel Noah Kramer) seems to be related to the story of the Tower of Babel and the confusion of tongues:
"Once upon a time there was no snake, there was no scorpion,
There was no hyena, there was no lion,
There was no wild dog, no wolf,
There was no fear, no terror,
Man had no rival.
In those days, the lands of Subur (and) Hamazi,
Harmony-tongued Sumer, the great land of the decrees of princeship,
Uri, the land having all that is appropriate,
The land Martu, resting in security,
The whole universe, the people in unison
To Enlil in one tongue [spoke].
(Then) Enki, the lord of abundance (whose) commands are trustworthy,
The lord of wisdom, who understands the land,
The leader of the gods,
Endowed with wisdom, the lord of Eridu
Changed the speech in their mouths, [brought] contention into it,
Into the speech of man that (until then) had been one."
There was no hyena, there was no lion,
There was no wild dog, no wolf,
There was no fear, no terror,
Man had no rival.
In those days, the lands of Subur (and) Hamazi,
Harmony-tongued Sumer, the great land of the decrees of princeship,
Uri, the land having all that is appropriate,
The land Martu, resting in security,
The whole universe, the people in unison
To Enlil in one tongue [spoke].
(Then) Enki, the lord of abundance (whose) commands are trustworthy,
The lord of wisdom, who understands the land,
The leader of the gods,
Endowed with wisdom, the lord of Eridu
Changed the speech in their mouths, [brought] contention into it,
Into the speech of man that (until then) had been one."
Today in the place of Al-Mahawil in Bābil (Babel), Iraq, we can find the remains of a ziggurat dedicated to Marduk in the city of Babylon of the 6th century BC, known as the "Etemenanki"; which translates to: "temple of the foundation of heaven and earth". In 1913, archaeologist and architect Robert Koldewey started its excavation after it had been rediscovered by the native Arabian population. It had been regarded to be the ruins of the Tower of Babel. The structure was also known as the "Tower of Jupiter Belus" (Belus translates like Bêl to "Lord") and had been Hellenised by Herodotus to "the Tower of Zeus Belus". Thus here is again a connection between the Biblical God and the chief of the gods from Greek mythology. A cuneiform tablet from Uruk, written in 229 BC, states that the tower was made up of seven terraces. After the fall of Babylon it never had been restored. Its ruins can be found with Google Maps at coordinates: 32 32'10N, 44 25'14E. | Ruins of the Etemenanki. (Click for a larger image) |
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